One man's life with hypothyroidism

How much T3 and T4 is in Nutri-Meds Desiccated Bovine Thyroid Health capsules?

12th December 2020 Paul Chris Jones

I received this message from a reader:

I have been taking Thyro-Gold (and loving it after finding the right dose: alternating 300mg/450mg) for a couple years now, however they have been out of stock due to COVID and don't know when they will have more product. I've been looking at using Nutri-Meds Bovine NDT ( in the meantime, but don't see a conversion for Nutri-Meds on your site. Any experience with this one? Any idea of a conversion??


I admit that I've never heard of Nutri-Meds before so I had to do some research.

What is Nutri-Meds?

Nutri-Meds have a site where they sell a number of products, including the one Lisa mentioned, Desiccated Bovine Thyroid Health capsules.

nutri meds bovine thyroid 130 mg 90 capsules 665031 en

According to the webpage, each capsule contains 130 mg of "lyophilized bovine thyroid gland".

So Nutri-Meds Desiccated Bovine Thyroid Health capsules are bovine thyroid powder basically.

nutrimeds supplement facts

How much T3 and T4 is in bovine thyroid powder?

The only other NDT I know of that contains bovine thyroid powder is Thyro-Gold.

I know that for Thyro-Gold at least, 300 mg of bovine powder contains 100 mcg of T4 and 25 mcg of T3.

So from this we can calculate that:

So how much T3 and T4 is in Nutri-Meds?

Going back to Nutri-Meds, we know that each capsule contains 130 mg of bovine powder. This implies each capsule of Nutri-Meds contains:

I should point out that all of this is just an educated guess and may not actually be accurate.

Convert between Nutri-Meds and another medication

To convert between Nutri-Meds Desiccated Bovine Thyroid Health capsules and other medications, see the Thyroid Paul medication convertor.


Thyrovanz is bovine thyroid powder capsules too. I stopped buying from them awhile ago. Their NZ sourced is what I used and they came out with an Argentina sourced one later but they say it isn't as powerful at the same dosages as the NZ.


Have you tried it?


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Paul Chris Jones is a writer and dad living in Girona, Spain. You can follow Paul on Instagram, YouTube and Twitter.