The amount of T3 and T4 in Thyro-Gold
How much T3 and T4 does Thyro-Gold contain?
To answer this question, I skyped with the owner of the company that makes Thyro-Gold, Tammy Lowe, and she said:
In our 300 mg [tablet] it has 100 mcg of T4, and it has 25 mcg of T3 per capsule. Plus the T2, the T1 and the calcitonin.
So this means:
- A 150 mg capsule of Thyro-Gold contains 50 mcg of T4 and 12.5 mcg of T3
- A 300 mg capsule< of Thyro-Gold contains 100 mcg of T4 and 25 mcg of T3
By the way, you won't find this information on the Thyro-Gold website, because Tammy Lowe markets Thyro-Gold as a supplement and not a medication. This means the FDA prohibits hef from disclosing the amount of T3 and T4.
Given the information from Tammy, we can convert dosages between Thyro-Gold and other medications.
To make it easy, I've made a hypothyroidism medication converter. It's a tool that converts dosages between different hypothyroidism medications.
The converter shows that 150 mg of Thyro-Gold is equal to:
- 135 mcg of T4
- or 34 mcg of T3
- or 81 mg of of an NDT such as Armour Thyroid, NP Thyroid, Nature-Thyroid, Westhyroid-P or Thyroid-S
Need more info?
You can find more information about Thyro-Gold on my page Thyro-Gold FAQ.
Do you have any experiences with Thyro-Gold? Let me know in the comments below.
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2024-02-29 Jelani
I’ve been looking at this other forums pretty extensively as I had high hopes for Thyro-Gold. Unfortunately, the results and reviews seem mixed. There are many, many people saying Thyro-Gold stopped working for them after the onset of the pandemic. Then, in an attempt to find someone who had lab tested Thyro-Gold, I came across this: “In the United States, thyroid glandular supplements can NOT contain active thyroid hormones (T4 and T3). These ingredients are only available via a prescription from your doctor which means they must be removed from supplements that contain thyroid glandulars. ” So, I’m off to do more research, but I thought this was an interesting bit of information and I’m wondering if it may in some way play into results people are now seeing. I’d love to know if anyone has any recent information on the efficacy, breakdown or even the validity of the above quoted statement, which I got from a doctor’s site.
2024-03-04 Julie Franklin
Great info, let us know maybe on a call what you are finding and then Sandie can also add in her knowledge so we can figure out what to do. Thank you
2022-11-20 Avy
Hi Paul. I am switching from Levothyroxine 25mcg to Thyrogold. I started with 150 mg/day TG but started losing a lot of hair after a week. Then stopped it for about a week, and my hair stopped falling out. I decided to restart it but slower. I took 1/4 pill for 2 weeks then 1/2 for the next two weeks. Then I started losing hair again. My labs have been good. I'm not sure if I should back off of it again or increase it? I don't like losing a bunch of hair...
2025-02-20 Susan
I had the exact opposite. My hair started growing back like wild fire. U had my widows peak again. My problem was something in the ingredients was blocking the calcium absorbing in my body. After 3 months it felt like the hamstrings were ripping of every time I sat down or stood up. I stopped taking them and after a month the pain stopped and so did my hair re-growth. To see if it was the pills I stayed over and after a few months so did the pain. I talked to the owner Tammy Lowe and she recommended I stop taking because it (thyro-gold) does not have a calcium binder. So my hair is steady getting thinner.
2022-10-20 Kristine
Is it best to take thyro-gold at night or in the morning?
2022-04-27 Camille Banks
I have been taking 125mcg of Synthroid and 5mcg of Liothyronine and am wanting to switch over to Thyro-Gold. I got the 150mg Thyro-Gold tabs and used your converter, but I'm still unsure how much to take to replace them both. Thank you!
2021-09-15 Anastasia
Hi Paul, I was taking 150mg Thyro-gold once a day and my test showed Free T4 0.9 Free T3 3.7 and TSH 4.49 My MD put me in 120mg Armour 3 weeks ago and I feel very Hypothyroid. I just can’t take it anymore. I decided to order Thyro-gold 300mg and plan to take one capsule per day. Hypothetically speaking-If you were me would you feel ok doing this?
2021-01-25 Susan
Hi. I'm a bit confused. On this page you say, "A 150 mg capsule of Thyro-Gold contains 50 mcg of T4 and 12.5 mcg of T3", but on the conversion page, 150 mg of Thyro-Gold is equivalent to 135 mcg of T4 (Synthroid). That's a big difference. Do you know which one is the accurate amount? Thanks.
2021-02-11 Paul Chris Jones
They're actuallly both correct. NDTs like Thyro-Gold have 'hidden power' that makes them 35% more potent than liothyronine and levothyroxine. See thyroidpaul.com/ndt-hidden-power for more info.
2020-10-03 Nancy
I am on I grain of Nature-THROID What dose of ThyroGold do I need?????
2020-12-03 Paul Chris Jones
1 grain of Nature-Throid = 107 mg of Thyrogold. See https://thyroidpaul.com/medication-converter
2021-03-06 Stacey
Does anyone know of tablets that are the same as thyro gold? They have been out of stock for months and I am running low, thanks!
2021-08-05 Erin
I just got an email from Tammy that they have opened the website to orders again. Thyrovanz is another that I have used, though it is not as good as Thyrogold, as it has additives. It is more like Naturethroid or WP, yet OTC. Good luck!
2022-06-12 Linda
Thyroid med conversion https://thyroidpaul.com/medication-converter
2022-06-12 Linda
2020-09-28 Jo
Hi Paul, Thanks so much for doing the maths! Just to be sure, if I'm taking 18.75mcg T3 early AM, and 12.75mcg T3 early PM - what does this equate to for ThyroGold? Thank you!
2020-12-03 Paul Chris Jones
18.75 mcg T3 = 83 mg of Thyro-Gold 12.7 5mcg T3 = 56 mg of Thyro-Gold See https://thyroidpaul.com/medication-converter
2020-08-03 Kate
Hi all.... I have been on Thyrogold for just over a month as Levothyroxine was not working for me. In just 2 weeks of being on thyrogold, my hair has stopped falling out! I took 150mg once a day for 2 weeks, then i increased it to 150mg twice a day. Well today, for the first time, i took a 300mg in the morning and a 150mg this evening (approx 4 hours ago) im sat watching tv and having heart palpitations....have i taken too much? Should i be worried? Advice please.....very much needed xxxx
2020-06-27 Samantha
I'm taking 120mg of NP Thyroid what should I take?
2020-12-03 Paul Chris Jones
120mg of NP Thyroid = 222 mg of Thyro-Gold. See https://thyroidpaul.com/medication-converter
2015-09-08 Wayne
I've been on Thyro-Gold since January 2014. I was previously taking 75 mcg of Synthroid. When I started the Thyro-Gold, I was taking way too little since there was not info on this. It took several months to realize my conversion calculations were off and I was feeling terrible. Then I increased it up to 225 MG of Thyro-Gold which is 3/4 of the 300 MG capsule and felt much better. I take 150 MG of Thyro-Gold in the morning and 75mg in the afternoon. Don't quote me, but I'm thinking that 300 MG of Thyro-Gold is equal to about 100 mcg of Synthroid. Hope that helps at lease a little.
2015-09-10 Paul Chris Jones
Thanks for your comment. I faced a huge lack of information about it too. The only knowledge I have is gleaned from message boards and my conversation with Tammy Lowe. Without doing a lab analysis on it, we can't tell for certain how much T3 and T4 is actually in it. You could be right that 300mg of Thyro-Gold = 100 mcg of Synthroid. I'm now taking 1,200mg of Thyro-gold a day... and no sign of hyper symptoms yet. Hmm. You'd think such a 'large dose' would be causing me to go hyper by now. I'm going to switch to Thyroid-S because at least I know it actually works, judging from all its positive reviews on amazon.co.uk.
2017-03-13 Nikki
Hi! Did you end up switching to Thyroid-S? How did you handle your dosage when you switch, if so? Also, did you like it? I appreciate your time!
2017-04-09 Donna
Where can I order this thyroid-S? Is it called by any other name? I haven't been able to locate it online. Can you show me where it is found online? Thanks! Donna
2017-03-13 Paul Jones
Hi Nikki. Normally I take Thiroyd, but two weeks ago I switched to Thyroid-S because I think Thiroyd was giving me tinnitus. To be fair to the Thiroyd though, the tinnitus could have been because I was taking it in high doses (about 5 pills a day). So far the Thiroyd-S has been fine. And Thiroyd-S almost contains the same amount of T3 and T4 as Thiroyd, so handling the dosage is easy - you just keep taking the same number of grains. I lowered my dosage though to 2.5 grains to try to get rid of the tinnitus.
2017-04-10 Paul Jones
I've written about this topic here. Specifically, see this part: "Currently you can buy Thyroid-S on Amazon.ca. I also found an online shop called the7dayshopping.com that claims to sell Thiroyd and Thyroid-S. I'm not sure if this shop is legit though."
2015-11-27 grassfood.
Thank you so much for doing the math. I really like Thyrogold, but do not think I am taking enough, and never could figure out the grains thing. Thank you!
2015-12-23 Kelly B
I've been taking Thyro-Gold for about a month now at 600mg. I am thinking of popping up to 900mg. I have been taking two in the morning but I am also taking two caps of Thyromin at night. When I didn't have the Thyromin I noticed a drop. We'll see if three Thyro Golds will work this out.
2015-12-29 Charley W
I'm curious; is everyone taking these supplements because synthetic T4 didn't work? I've been on 1.5 grains of Nutithroid since July and feeling good. Finally got diagnosed on the NHS and my doc won't prescribe it. So now I've just switched to 50mcg levo. Already got achy muscles so think I'm missing the T3 but can't afford to stay private. Thinking about adding in a bit of a supplement or jacking in the levo completely and taking half a thyrogold per day instead. Any thoughts would be welcome.
2016-06-06 Lorna
My doctor won't prescribe it either and I won't touch Synethetic T4. Have you read "Stop The Thyroid Madness"? Really worth a read. I take Thyro Gold and I'm so much better on it. The cost isn't crippling and very worth it.
Levothyroxine was terrible for me: couldn't wake up, needed more sleep, gained weight and had confusion in my brain. So, I read 4 books on the thyroid, listened to others' experience, and began taking 500 mg of ThyroGold and had been doing very well. I reduced it to 350mg and now, after the latest blood test, I have added another 150mg.
2020-08-30 Rina
Sonia I’ve been on Levothyroxine for 9 years and like you I felt awful. Change to thyogold 2 years but have put on weight as my blood test is saying thyroid levels are normal but Tsh is 0.01 which is very low. Do you have any advice on this?
2022-07-27 Sally
I had thyroid cancer and now have no thyroid at all, I been taking Thyrogold since Feb 2017 I take 300per day and I am lucky enough to be prescribed T3 so I take 1 20mcg of that, I really think I would not be here if I had to rely on the synthetic T4 certainly would not be very active and probably nearly bald and 3 sizes bigger in clothes. I also take a lot of supplements and vitamins particularly selenium a really must for us thyroid damaged folks.
2023-08-29 Petrina Flutur
Am avut cancer tiroidian papilar și sunt operată din 2014. De atunci iau eutyrox.As vrea să schimb cu toate că mă simt bine . Vă rog frumos,puteți oferi mai multe detalii despre acest tyrogold? Cât luați pe zi și dacă sunteți mulțumit . Multumesc
2016-01-03 Yvonne
I had my thyroid removed (not cancer) and am on 180mg of Armour. But with the new ownership and new formulation, I am noticing hypo symptoms again. I'd like to try Thyro-Gold. So...would I take one 300mg capsule per day at first?
2016-01-26 skt
I had my thyroid removed in 2007. Since that time I was 1st put on synth. 9 months later after it being increase every 3 months I switched to levoth. Felt a little better not great. Switched myself to Armour. My doctor has kept me at 60mg/1 grain for the past 5 years. Just received my thyroid gold today. Starting tomorrow at 300mg. Over the past 2 years I have been put on anti depressants and adderal. Foggy and despondent don't even begin how badly I've felt for a long time. I can't wait to get off the drugs and recover my life.
2016-01-19 April
Charley W Check out a book called stop the thyroid madness and you will find out all sorts of reasons WHY your thyroid treatment may not be working with the Levo. There's also a yahoo group for thyroid issues where people are on DAY and NiGhT asking questions and getting answers. Isabella Wentz has a great book called the Root Cause. Hope you will check out all those valuable resources!!
2016-01-26 Susan Blumenthal
Read my story before you consider trying Thyro Gold!! After reading all about ThyroGold I decided to switch from Armour because Medicare doesn't pay for Armour and it's gotten really expensive. The Thyro Gold arrived around 12/26 and I started with 150 and then moved up to 300. I had been on an alternating dose of 60 and 90 mcg of Armour. I felt ok at first then about two weeks ago I noticed fatigue, depression, headaches, chest tightness and shortness of breath. Also, while I had been very active and exercised a lot everything, even sweeping my garage seemed like a huge effort so I had blood drawn to check my thyroid. This morning (1/25) I had extreme vertigo, nausea, sweating, shortness of breath and tightness in the chest. It was terrifying. I called my doctor's office to see about my lab results. My TSH was 41!!!! This, when I feel best at .2 and Armour kept me there. The nurse practitioner was baffled by this alarming and dangerous change. I admitted I had "self-medicated" because Armour was covered by Medicare and had gotten so expensive. She put me back on Levothyroxine because she said it is the only reliable way to monitor my numbers. While I never felt as good on Levo as I did on Armour I can see why she made the decision. To anyone--like me--who considers switching and self-medicating and trying to figure out dosing. DON'T!! It's not worth it. I've put my health in serious danger and it will take weeks before I even feel slight effects from the Levo. Meanwhile, I deal with all the horrible hypo effects including the added one that it feels like I can't breath and am about to have a heart attack.
2016-02-05 lisa petrusich
Maybe, but I've been taking thyro gold for 7 or so years, and have been doing fairly well. The Levo can end up causing heart damage with long term use. (or so I've read) the only synthetic you should take would be the brand name Synthroid. Do some research and ask your Dr. and pharmacist. I don't know what happened with the Thyro Gold, but Levothyroxine is not a good choice. It's hard to be healthy on a low income.
2020-10-05 Bonita Krajewski
Levo is T4 only. They to gold is T4 & T3.
2016-02-12 Sheila H
I have been on 105 mg of Armour (90mg plus 15mg) for the last four years. Late last year I felt hypo symptoms such as weight gain, cold hands, swollen face and fingers return. I started researching and found that in 2015 Armour had been sold to another company and reformulated and that I was not the only one feeling the difference. I had my pharmacy switch me to NP Thyroid which is the new generic version of Armour, however I am still having the hyposymptoms. I just ordered 150mg of the Thyro-gold and will see if it makes a difference. Any ideas on how much I should take to be equal to 105 MG of Armour?
2016-02-12 Rem
Sheila, 80mg of Armour Thyroid = 150mg of Thryo-Gold So 197 mg of thyro-gold = 105 mg armour thyroid.
2016-02-25 launa
I take 250mcg of synthroid,what dose of thyro-gold should I switch to
2016-03-14 Paul Chris Jones
100mcg of levothyroxine/synthryoid = 150mg of Thyro-Gold. So 250mcg of levothyroxine/synthryoid = 375mg of Thyro-Gold.
2016-03-14 Tammy
I'm currently on 1 3/4 grain of WP Thyroid and am waiting on my order of Thyrogold, I purchased both the 150 & 300 mg's, how much should I take of the Thyrogold?
2016-03-14 Paul Chris Jones
105mg of WP Thyroid = 197mg of Thyro-Gold.
2016-03-15 Tammy Hilton
I forgot to add I also take either one or two compound T3 and it's 5mcg, will that make a difference? I want Thyrogold to take the place of both the NDT & compound T3
You should take an extra 30mg of Thyro-Gold, since that's the equivalent of 5mcg of T3. (Here's my working out: T3 is four times more powerful than T4. So 5mcg of T3 is worth 20mcg of T4. And 20mcg of T4 is equivalent to 30mg of Thyro-Gold.)
2016-04-21 Kim Diedrich
I have high RT3-18.5 & tried 60mg of NP Thyroid which first day felt amazing but also did cause searing pain in my knuckles. All other pain in my body went away. I was told it was the fillers. I tried to wean off (I had only been on 4 days) and went off completely which caused intense headaches which undulated across my scalp. Then went back on 30mg, then off then back on 15 mg then off. Of course I did it wrong & crashed horribly. Also one cheek kind of folded and gave me broken blood vessels. So that was in January and I am finally getting rid of the dark circles, no pain in knuckles or headaches, look human again, but told I MUST go on thyroid or I could get seriously ill. I have low AM cortisol, lowis-normal afternoon, and high evening yet I sleep like a rock. Problem is I want to sleep all morning & a nap in the middle of the day! So do I try thyrogold & cytomel?
2016-04-26 Paul Chris Jones
Sorry to hear about your symptoms. It sounds like you currently have low T3 and T4 levels, causing you to want to sleep a lot. If I were you, first I would try Thyro-Gold, and if I wasn't happy with that, I would then switch to Cytomel. Were you allergic to one of the fillers in NP Thyroid? According to http://www.npthyroid.com/information.html, the ingredients in NP Thyroid are: T3, T4, calcium stearate, dextrose and mineral oil. The ingredients in Thyro-Gold are different. According to https://www.naturalthyroidsolutions.com/contents-of-thyro-gold.html, the ingredients in Thyro-Gold are: whole-gland thyroid powder, 100 mg of L-Aspartic acid, 25 mg of coleus forskohlii, vegetable capsules, silica, and glyceryl behenate. So if you had an allergy to the fillers in NP Thyroid, then Thryo-Gold might work for you, because its fillers are completely different.
2016-04-26 LINDA
I have been on Thyroid -gold for approximately 1 1/2 years. Was diagnosed beginning stages of Hypothyroidism at TSH 5.99. Doctor wanted to retest in three months. My symptoms were fatigue, joint pains, brain for, weight gain, thinning hair, complete lack of living. It was affecting my work and home life. I could not wait three more months!! Thank God I found Thyroid- Gold! Ordered the day I left Drs. Office crying. Three months later after being on Thyroid Gold and going gluten free was retested and my TSH was .1. I got my life back!! THANK GOD FOR THYROID-GOLD!!
I know this post is old but could you share with me your starting dose? I am too in the beginning stages of hypothyroidism and am curious what my starting dose should be.
2020-11-26 Lisa
What dose did u take?
2016-05-12 john Brooke
Hi, I've a pituitary gland tumor with Ft4 13 (12-24) But Endo won't medicate. TSH all over the place, obvious secondary hypothyroidism.So began tthyrogold 2 weeks ago. 1x150 tab per day. Feel better but away to go. Tried 300 tab one day but made me feel terrible. So see how things go. My Endo is so patronising, I had to pursue him for diagnosis of Acromegaly. In the end he agreed when my watch snapped off my wrist. All due to pituitary gland tumor. Going on a bit. I'll give a Yes to thyrogold!!
2016-08-26 Allison
John - Do you have any update on how Thyro Gold has been for you in the long term? My doctor says I'm fine, but my TSH is 0.7 and my FT4 is 9 (reference range at lab being 9 to 23) . I have all they symptoms of secondary hypothyroidism, but am hesitant about self-treating.
2016-05-20 Kathleen M
Please help - I've been taking thyroid gold since April 12th, 2016. 300 in the morning and 150 at night. I felt great the first 10 days but now my hair is falling out, I'm tired, shaking hands, headache, trouble breathing etc. My doctor originally had me on the following (note I've been hypothyroid for 13 years and no one can ever get my dosage right, after 3 mos my numbers are off and I'm symptomatic) Monday - .90mcg Armour .50mcg levo --Tuesday - 90/50 -- Wednesday (AM) 90/50 (PM) .90 -- Thursday 90/50 Friday - 120mcg/50mcg -- Saturday - 120/50 -- Sunday 90 Armour only I appreciate any advice. I'm skipping the 150 tonight as I think I'm taking to much. Thank you! Kathleen
2016-05-20 Kathleen M
If I did the calculations correctly, then I should only be taking 300 1 x per day. Is this correct? Kathleen
2016-05-23 Paul Chris Jones
I see that most days, you were taking 90mcg of Armour and 50mcg of levothyroxine. My calculation is: 90mcg Armour = 162mg of Thyro-Gold 50mcg levo = 75mg of Thyro-Gold So the total is 235mg of Thyro-Gold. This is less than the 300mg you have been taking. So perhaps you need to take less Thyro-Gold. Maybe you should try alternating between 150mg and 300mg. So take 150mg on day 1, 300mg on day 2, 150mg on day 3, 300mg on day 4, etc. By the way, your symptoms are a bit confusing:
2016-06-07 Kathleen M
Thank you so much for your response. It is so nice to be able to turn to someone and get advice on what to do. I will start to alternate as per your suggestion above. I have been taking the 300 per day since the post above and have felt soooo much better, but not optimal. Greatly appreciate your time. I am getting my blood work done tomorrow and will post results. I will also get them again in 6 weeks time to see how the alternating affects me as well.
2017-03-18 Anna
Paul, I read that you switched from Thiroyd to Thyroid-S. Can I ask which one you prefer and why?
2017-03-19 Paul Jones
No preference so far. They seem almost identical.
2016-07-12 Carry
I question those numbers. I tried thyroid gold - and it didn't feel like any t3 was in it!
2016-08-26 Paul Jones
Well, it's only what Tammy told me, and she could have been lying. The only way to know for sure is to get a lab to measure the amount of thyroid hormone in the product. However, I don't know of any specific labs that provide these tests. If we could find one, then perhaps we could raise the money required with a Kickstarter campaign. I did find a study that actuallly describes how to measure the amount of thyroid hormones in a substance. (Do we have any lab technicians in the house?) The study is called "T4 and T3 content in commercialy availble thyroid health supplements". The description is: "Each tablet of supplement or standard (liothyronine sodium, levothyroxine sodium) was dissolved in 10mL of acetonitrile and water with 0.1% trifloroacetic acid (50:50 v/v). For product ID numbers 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, two tablets were dissolved as above to increase the sensitivity of detection. The suspension was centrifuged at 872 g (2000 rpm, Thermo Scientific Survall Legend XTR) for 10 minutes and the supernatant was used for analysis. T3 and T4 levels were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography (12– 14) (Fig. 1),which consisted of aWaters 2998 Photodiode Array Detector, Waters 2695 Alliance, and a column, Nova-Pak CN HP 60A 4 lm, 75mm·3.9mm i.d. (Waters, Milford, MA). A mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile and water with 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid (40:60 v/v). The detector was set at 225nm, and 40 lL of standard or sample was injected with the autosampler. The following concentrations of standards were used for the external calibration curve: 78.1, 156.3, 312.5, 625.0, and 1250.0 ng/mL. Using four levels of standard as control to monitor the accuracy and precision of the assay yielded a recovery of 97.3% for T3 and 94.3% for T4. The average of R2 for the standard curve for T3 was 0.9992 and for T4 was 0.9985. Chromatographic data were processed using the Empower Chromatography Management software (Waters). Results were listed by product identification number and amount of T4 and T3 in micrograms per tablet (mean – standard deviation)."
2016-07-15 Terri
Oh my - I am completely vexed! Math was never, ever my forte and clearly even less with brain fog, etc. I am currently taking 90 mcg of Armour and I have also been trying 5 mcg of Cytomel (T3) for the past month - I just ordered the 150 mg of Thyrogold - is that the correct dosing? Thank you for not math shaming! ? Thanks so much for all of the information!
2016-07-18 Paul Jones
90 mg of Armour = 160 mg of Thryo-Gold. 5 mcg of Cytomel = 30 mg of Thryo-Gold. So in total you need to take 190 mg of Thyro-Gold per day.
2022-06-12 Linda
Hypothyroidism medication converter | Thyroid Paul
2022-06-12 Linda
Site for thyroid conversion https://thyroidpaul.com/medication-converter
2016-07-24 Linda
I am going to switch to Thyro-Gold. I have been taking Synthroid 137 mcg. I have symptoms of being hypo and hyper at times. I guess it is really the side effects of the Synthroid. If I am understanding the math correctly then I would need 1 and 1/4 of 150 thyro gold? Thanks Linda
2016-07-31 Pankaj
Paul, Your article seems to imply that 4 x T4 = T3. However, I think they are meant to do completely different things altogether. For example, T4 could get converted to Reverse-T3, so a larger amount of T4 is disadvantageous. ThyroGold has a relatively large amount of T4 compared to T3, which I think is due to its source being bovine, instead of porcine.
2016-08-26 Paul Jones
I agree that T4 could get converted to Reverse-T3 which means it would have no effect. However, the ratio in Thyro-Gold is the same as all the other NDT products I know of, including Armour Thyroid, NP Thyroid, Nature-Thyroid, Westhyroid-P, Thyroid-S. Specifically, the ratio is 4 parts T4 to 1 part T3.
2016-08-27 Gabriella
Hello Paul Jones, Glad to have found your blog. I have been taking ThyroGold for many years now and wanted to share my experience. I went from taking Armour for many years to ThyroGold. Helping people figure out what their dose should be is wonderful, thank you for this information you provide here. The good news is I have lost quite a bit of weight and kept it off (53lbs) , hair is growing, finger nails are strong and morning temperature is within range. This are the barometers I use to assess if I am taking the correct amount of Thyro Gold. As Dr. John Lee has written, blood work is unreliable at best, this has been my experience. As Dr. Brodha Barnes treated hypothyroidism years ago, patients were treated by symptom, not blood work. The ranges of blood work were established based on healthy 25 year old males years ago. This doesn't seem like an accurate barometer for me. I have Hashimoto's, which 90% of hypothyroid people have. The levels of thyroid hormone are fluctuating every day. Here is what I would share about Thyro Gold. Listen to Tammy, send her an email if you are unsure of the dose to take, read Dr. Lee's website. Take your temperature, Dr. Rind has a chart online where one can keep a record of daily temps. Read Stop the Thyroid Madness. Do not blame symptoms simply on ThyroGold, it could be adrenals or low iron. (I lost hair due to low iron) It is important to study and understand. This ThyroGold has 25 mg of 10% extract of Coleus Forskohili Root. What I have experienced is this root can cause some heart beats to become vigorous. I simply reduced my dose by 150mg and it stopped. The next month I went back up to my regular dose and I was fine. Lastly, what I have come to realize after much research, is I chose not to take a thyroid med from porcine sources. Photos of what an animal looks like after ingesting GMO's is pretty scary, I would encourage anyone to look it up. They fed rats GMO's in one study, they had huge tumors all over, babies were disfigured. There are no organic fed pigs, any meds from porcine sources has been fed GMO's, hence glycophosphate. The very good news about ThyroGold is it is from New Zealand cows that are not fed GMO's. My concern is one day, after extensive research that has not been done yet, they will say "oops" sorry, we made a mistake. Sure, some may say the meds will not harm those with thyroid problems. My instincts are, why take the risk. I only speak for myself and my experience. I want to encourage others to give ThyroGold a chance, it just might work for you, taking into consideration, there are so many factors that help us get well, gluten free diet, soy free, etc. Getting well is multi-faceted, keep reading and researching, may you discover the answers you need.
2016-09-15 Jean
Thanks, Gabriella...I cannot get regular meds because the docs say that my numbers aren't "bad enough" yet...?? (Although I have tons of symptoms!!) Have been thinking about Thyrogold for some time, since my current glandular isn't working out-- after reading your post, I am now ready to take the leap and will order Thyrogold!
2017-02-22 samantha
thank you gabriella i totally agree with you about the GMOS . thats also why i started taking thyrogold too becuae of the factory farmed pigs fed GMOS. i dont want to contribute to the inhumane factory farms and poison GMOS industry . i eat only organic now no soy but do love bread and dairy. still tired still trouble losing weight / have had a high pulse rate sometimes with some exercise , have on the very low side of normal cortisol levels so maybe that is why sometimes have a high pulse rate.have yet to find a doctor that like or trust to know what is actually helping or not . so glad to find this website and comments thank you all, thank you paul for yur clear inforamtion and thank you tammy. synthroid didnt help at all proably caused my adrenal fatigue . i have heard of peole who didnt take anyhting and thier trhyorid got better after stress wetn away i wish i hadnt started taking anything years ago maybe it would have healed on its own .
2017-06-27 Anna
It's interesting what you say about GMO's...I have been considering giving Thyro Gold a try as it seems quite potent, and I like the fact that it comes from BSE free countries and contains few fillers. In the past, I have been on Armour and Erfa and found neither to work optimally. They are also very expensive compared to Thai NDT. I have been on Thyroid-S for the past year and I like it, but not the long list of fillers...however, I have been wondering about the bio-availability of bovine thyroid compared to porcine, as the latter is often claimed to be closer to human chemistry...on the other hand, most if not all adrenal cortex or whole adrenal products come from cows, so I am not sure how accurate that statement is...
2016-10-17 Anna
Hi Paul Your blog is really informative. Thank you for writing it. I have been on Thyro Gold 5 x 300mg now for 2 weeks. I titrated up from 1 one year ago. Staying on each dose for a minimum of 6 weeks before an increase. I'm really getting suspicious about what the T3 & T4 contents are because I am now on this ridiculously high dose and still have hypo symptoms worsening. My eyebrows are almost completely gone! My weight is still creeping up and I am so dang tired and melancholy all the time. The ganglions on the inner palm knuckles are only slowly resolving and the warty growths on my back are multiplying. My TSH is 0.001 (0.4-4.0) T4 is 12 (10-20). T3 is 1.6 ( 2.8-6.8). I've not had a rT3 done but am suspicious that is where all the T4 is converting to. I have no hyper symptoms whatsoever despite that extremely low TSH. Ideas, comments, suggestions?
2016-11-27 Paul Jones
I think your serum T3 level is too low, which is causing your hypothyroid symptoms. Thyro-Gold is supposed to contain T3 so it's interesting that you're still not getting enough T3, despite your high dosage of Thryo-Gold. I would try a different medication. There's Thyroid-S, which you buy from Amazon.ca.
2016-11-26 Tracy K.
Hello, I have a question, or it may end up being questions...I am currently on only 25 mcg of levothyroxin because my endo says my levels are in normal range, even though she only tests tsh. I have a multi nodular goiter and hashimotos. Since being on the levo, my energy level is up finally, but i also have to take adderall er 30mg. Before the levo, i could still take the adderall and fall asleep 2 hours later. My hair is still thinning and falling out, my weight goes up and down, usually up. Now my usually oily skin and scalp are dry and flaky. I also was diagnoses bi polar because of high and very low mood swings. The only benefit I'm seeing from the levo, is no more fatigue a bit less brain fog ,& a little less depression. My question is, what dose should i start out with as i take such a small dose of levo? and do you think I should stop taking my adderall to see if the fatigue is affected better or worse by the thyro-gold? Thank you
2016-11-27 Paul Jones
25 mcg of levothyroxine is the equivalent of 37.5 mg of Thyro-Gold, so that's how much Thyro-Gold you should take to begin with. Thyro-Gold doesn't come in such a small dose though, so you'll have to open a 150 mg capsule and divide the contents into four in order to get 37.5 mg of Thyro-Gold,. But judging from your symptoms, it sounds like you dosage of thyroid medication is too low. So if you do buy Thyro-Gold, you should slowly increase the dosage and see if your symptoms get better. I'm not sure if Adderall is related to any of this - sorry!
2016-12-06 Nancy Cook
I have just started using thyrogold as I have suspected that I have sub clinical hypothyroidism. My symptoms are, cold body temp (typically in the range 96's and low 97's but never higher), feeling cold, total inability to lose weight no matter what I do, lost outer two thirds of eyebrows and frequently constipated. Other symptoms that I have just discovered could be symptoms of hypothyroidism is uncontrollable bruxism while sleeping. My labs have always tested in the "normal range". Also all of my sisters have tested positive for the illness. I started out with 150 mg and it didn't really relieve many symptoms. I lost a little weight but other than that nothing changed, and my core body temp did not change. After two weeks on that dose, I increased it to 300 mg. On that dose, the weight started coming off a little faster and my core body temp went up to a normal 98.6 during my active hours. The only problem is at that level I was feeling a little jittery, although no actual tremors, I did have a fast heart beat which is not that abnormal for me but it was higher than normal (up to 116 or 122 while not at rest but not super active). I also still have the constipation. I cut back to 150 because I was concerned that I was getting over stimulated but I'm wondering if I should try increasing by half and see how that does. Does anyone have any suggestions based on their own experience?
2017-01-11 Gabriella
Nancy, Based on my experience, if I were you, yes, I would increase by half. This feeling jittery can happen with any thyroid meds, it used to happen to me with Amour years ago. The body is adjusting. If you stick with it, you may notice the jittery feeling going away, it did for me. The other symptoms will get better, your dose needs to go higher.
2017-01-12 Gabriella
Nancy, One more thing that helped. Yes, those jitters can be disconcerting. For me it was taking magnesium. Magnesium glycinate, 200mg in the am, 200 in the pm. This type of magnesium does not cause a laxative effect as some other types of magnesium may do. My experience has been lots of apples for being able to take care of bowel movements. Hope this helps.
2016-12-10 Dana Valdez
I was on Synthroid 100mcg for 10 years then I was switched to Tirosint 88mcg. I was clueless that these only contained T4. I have Hashimotos so I suffer from both hypo and hyper symptoms. I just received my Thyro-Gold 150 & 300 in and I would like to know what dose should I take. Thank you.
2017-03-10 GAil
Hi Dana...I started Thyrogold last May 2016. Rather than stop the Tirosint, I started the Thyrogold only on weekends and Tirosint during the week. My endo wasn't on board, although my blood test results (TSH, T4, T3) were good. I then started taking the Thyrogold every other day and Tirosint every other day. I discussed this with my primary who was more accepting of dissicated thyroid (Thryogold). My blood test revealed that all was still good, in fact, my vitamin D3 levels improved. I now take the Tirosint every 3rd day and the Thyrogold on other days (100 mcg Tirosint, 150 mg Thyrogold, 300 mg Thyrogold). I will be taking a blood test within the month to check my levels again. If all is well, I will take the Thyrogold exclusively. I did not want to stop the pharmaceutical all at once in the event the Thyrogold did not work, so I have been slowly transitioning.
2017-01-10 Wayne
Wow. The comment section has exploded!! How does everyone feel about Tammy's comment of how much T4 and T3 is in Thyro-Gold? Since I started on Thyro-Gold, I must have changed my conversion formula at least 6 times. Paul Jones has based all of his formulas off of Tammy's basic conversion. Based off of everyone's experiences, do you agree that Tammy's below conversion is fairly accurate? 300mg of Thyro-Gold is equal to 200mcg of T4(levothyroxine) 150mg of Thyro-Gold is equal to 100mcg of T4(levothyroxine) Thanks, Wayne
2017-02-15 Nancy Cook
Thanks, Gabriella. I was able to get my dosage up to 300 mg with only occasional jittery feeling. I'm losing weight finally (13 pounds so far!) and most of the time my temperature is close to normal and my blood pressure is real good. Still having some constipation but not as bad. I agree with you on magnesium, that is a nutrient that I make sure to get plenty of, I take a product called Remag and I also use a magnesium spray called Ease. Not sure if I need to get my dosage of thyrogold up any higher, I'm going to try to save up to do some testing since my doctor won't run complete panels and I can't find a naturopath in my area.
2017-02-15 Nancy Cook
Thank you, Gabriella, I was able to gradually increase my dosage to 300 mg with only occasional jitters. I'm finally losing weight (13 lbs so far!), my temperature is close to normal and my blood pressure is great. Still having issues with constipation but not as much. I agree with you about magnesium, I make sure to take plenty of it, I use a product called Remag and also a magnesium spray called Ease. I'm not sure if I should increase dose of Thyrogold more or not. I'm saving up to get blood tests from Life Extension since my doctor won't order a complete panel and there are no naturopaths near me. Once again, thank you for your advice.
2017-02-16 Dante
Hello, I am looking for advice. Approximately 7 months ago I had a partial lobectomy, due to a HOT nodule that was causing hyperthyroidism. For the past few months my levels have been good, but I have not been feeling well. Always tired, muscle soreness, brain fog. I just had new labs this week and to my surprise my FT4 dropped from 1.25 to .6, but my TSH (1.2) and FT3 (3.0) are still good. I am feeling worse too. My LDL is high, Testosterone and progesterone are low, as are my iron and ferritin. This is crazy, because just 6 weeks ago they were better. I am thinking about taking TG, but wanted to get some feedback from the group. Dante
2017-02-21 Nancy Cook
Gabriella, sorry I posted basically the same thing twice. When I first posted, I looked for the post and didn't see it so I thought it didn't take and I reposted. I just needed a little patience, I guess.
2017-02-27 Sharon
I am taking 88mcg of synthroid, what would be the dosage of Thyrogold? Thank you.
2017-02-27 Paul Jones
Just multiply it by 1.5. So 88 x 1.5 = 132 mg of Thyro-Gold.
2017-03-04 Cheryl
Hello, I had my thyroid removed 7/20/16 due to non cancer growths. I was put on Levoxyl and they now have me lowered to 100 mg now. I feel horrible and it's affecting work and home. All i wanna do is lay down and have been putting my head on my desk much of the day. My thyroid Dr got very frustrated the minute I brought up changing to a more natural one and refused to monitor me if I did. Where I live there are not a lot of thyroid Dr's. So my question is, how do I make the switch to thyroid gold? Do I continue with my pharma med with thryo-gold or stop pharma all together? Then can I just have a MD monitor my blood work every 3 months ?
2017-03-05 Holly
I had a partial removal 2years ago and have struggled since, My Md says that even though my levels are much lower then before they are still within a normal range and will not tx me. I had gained aprox 18lbs (even though I ate well and exercised), had brain fog and was extremely tired. I did some research and tried to self medicate I tried a few 'thyroid vitamins' that had good reviews off of Amazon one worked just ok two others not well I then figured out that I can not have kelp/iodine I did some research based off the one that was Ok and found Thyro gold I emailed Dr. H and started vitamin B in addition to the Thyro gold I began with one capsule and did see some difference but not alot but wanted to go slow so I continued with one for a month then increased it two capsules and I have now seen a huge difference, I have began to lose weight but more importantly I have energy and can think straight again. I am very satisfied and extremely happy with Thyro Gold.
2017-03-11 Ann Northness
I am on Nature Thyroid - I don't see any comments about this brand. Has anyone tried this and if so what are your results? My current tests were TSH .77, T4 10. T3 uptake 21 and T4 free 1.11. The lab tests said low on a couple of the numbers. My doc didn't make any changes. I just wondered if these results seem normal?
2017-11-29 Char
Hi Paul, How are the tinnitus and thyroid symptoms doing today on Thiroyd-S? I was taking 4 grains of Armour for years, but started rapidly gaining weight, etc in 2016 so switched to Naturethroid and titrated up to 5-6 grains. I think I'm allergic to pork though and am looking into Thyro-Gold to see if it's more effective for me and if the tinnitus and allergy symptoms abate. (Pork seems to cause some bloat and rhinitis and the more porcine-based NDT I take the more of those symptoms I have.) If I take less the rhinitis and some of the weight abates, but I become hypo again....hair loss, fatigue, brain fog, aching joints, etc. If I reduce my meds even more then I begin to gain weight as well. If Thyro-Gold doesn't work for me I'm hoping there's another porcine-based med that is more effective with my chemistry or better absorbed so I can take less and not trigger the rhinitis. I'm especially hopefully since you were taking about 11ish grains of Thyro-Gold, but had switched to Thiroyd and then to Thyroid-S and titrated down to about 2.5ish grains. So... I'm hopeful that you may have an encouraging report. Thanks bunches
2017-03-15 Madeline
Hi everyone, I thank you all, and especially Paul Jones, for your valuable contributions. I just wanted to add my experience. I experimented with Thyro-Gold last year for my hypothyroidism. My terrible doctor (since fired) had me on 50 mcg Levothyroxine, but I still had hypo symptoms. I started with half of a 150 mg Thyro-Gold capsule a day. I checked my temperature, pulse, and blood pressure daily. When these failed to raise to normal levels, I increased my dose to a whole capsule. My fatigue increased, I got terrible headaches, heart palpitations, and a lot of my hair fell out. When I next got a thyroid test, it turned out that I had over-medicated myself to a state of slightly hyper-thyroid. I never would have known from my blood pressure or temperature, which I was still testing daily! It turns out that my adrenal insufficiency was keeping those levels down. So, these measures cannot be relied upon for testing thyroid function if an adrenal condition is also present. (It also might be that the symptoms were caused not only by hypo-thyroid but by a reaction to the T3. I've come across this great article that I urge you all to read; not everyone can tolerate T3 or dessicated thyroid: https://www.restartmed.com/thyroid-medication/ ) Thyroid hormone is an adrenal stimulant, and the over-dose also caused my adrenals to crash. This caused me to be very sick and useless -- absolutely FLATTENED -- for a number of months. So, please be careful, folks. It wasn't even a large overdose, but it really messed me up. I'm now taking 100 mcg Levothyroxine and doing okay with that; my major problem does appear to be the adrenals, so I've been trying to heal those before trying anything else. I would like to try experimenting with Thyro-Gold again when my adrenals are better, but I'm concerned about getting the dosing right, so I'd be grateful to read reports from anyone who's made the conversion from Levothyroxine (Synthoid), and what was the right replacement dose for you!
2017-03-17 Wayne
Hi Madeline, Thanks for your comment. Were you taking any medication or natural supplements for your Adrenal Insufficiency while on Tyro-Gold? From what I read, one needs to get the adrenals functioning correctly before finding the correct dose for your thyroid. (After the adrenals are functioning correctly, then you can dose your thyroid.) Reason being, the adrenals put the T3 into the cell and without proper adrenal function, the T3 will pool in the blood and not get into the cell and cause hypo symptoms. I have both issues myself and I'm still on T-G and taking a low does of hydrocortisone in combo with some adrenal cortex glandulars and licorice. Licorice acts as a natural aldosterone which helps maintain blood pressure by keeping sodium levels up and I think it also helps your cortisol levels stay higher longer.
2017-06-16 Bonnie
Hi Paul! I have been taking 300mg Thyrogold for about 2 weeks. I ordered Thyroid-S and it will be a little while for it to get to me. I like Thyrogold but I have not yet had much positive response. I will be taking it for a little longer, of course. My question is: when I get the Thyroid-S, how much do you think I should start taking? ( I don't intend to increase my Thyrogold for now). I heard that Thyroid -S is much stronger. Is that true? My TSH was 3.6 in Feb. and free T3 is 3.1(lab range is 2.0-4.pg/mL) ,free,T4 is 1.21( lab range is 0.82ng/mL-1.77 ng/mL). I would like to see my TSH going down and my free T3 a bit higher... Thanks, Bonnie
2017-06-20 Paul Jones
I think 300 mg of Thyro-Gold is equivalent to 2.7 grains (162 mg) of Thyroid-S. So this means Thyroid-S is roughly twice as strong as Thyro-Gold (since 300/162 = 1.8). According to stopthethyroidmadness.com, "one grain [is] a common starting dose, and raising by 1/2 grain approximately every two weeks".
2017-04-20 Gabriella
It seems the price of Thyro Gold has significantly increased. Previously I would order 3 bottles at $153, not including shipping. Now those same 3 bottles are $181. Would anyone here happen to know why they had to make this increase? Bad weather in New Zealand? I am wondering if there is an alternative that is similar.
2017-07-16 lesley from Kent
Just done the same thing - I was rather shocked at the Thyrogold price increase. I've surfed this thread and Thyroid-S seems to be significantly cheaper (though converting the dosage will challenge my maths skills). I can't see whether anyone got to grips with the price increase. I'll try and ask Tammy directly, and will post back here if/when I get a reply. I've been taking 1 x 300mg tablet a day of Thyrogold for years now - last year though I was able to decrease it to one tablet every day in winter, and only one a week (or when I felt tired) during the summer. Dr Peatfield always maintained "the body is a self-healing mechanism" and in my case, it seems to be working that way - ie supporting the thyroid with Thyrogold has presumably allowed some healing to take place. But if you take anything away from all this information - its that everyone is different and everyone's path back to health is different too. best regards to all.
2018-07-26 John
I'm in the same boat. I was just ready to order another 6 bottles and noticed the $181 price per 3 bottles. The last time I paid for 6 bottles, they were 148.86 for 3 bottles. That's a HUGE increase, which will cause me to look elsewhere for natural desiccated thyroid supplements, preferable over the counter. Has anyone who was on Thyro-Gold switched to another desiccated thyroid supplement at a much better price? Thanks so much for any suggestions.
2018-07-26 John
Just wanted to add, that when we bought 3 bottles at the original price, the discount next to the price was 10% and now it's only 5%. I'm seriously looking elsewhere for over the counter NDT at a much better price. I'm willing to try porcine instead of bovine. Any suggestions?
2018-08-13 John
For three 300mg bottles, the jump in price went from 148.36 to $181. That's a HUGE 22% increase. WTF! I'm seriously looking for an alternative now after taking Thyro-Gold for a few years.. Does anyone know a reputable and inexpensive website to order Thyroid-S or the other one with less fillers. I live in the states. Thanks so much. John
2017-08-16 John c
Hi Paul Looking for a quick but of advice. 21 year old male fairly high level distance runner . Past few months I had been training hard and possibly in a calorie deficit and some hypo symptoms (raynauds type circulations issue, intolerance to cold etc but did also lose some weight. Eventually I decided I had to stop and get some advice . Got a full thyroid and hormonal workup done and hoped you could interpret them for me. I'm going to try some NDT and slowly get back to training based in these results. Let me know what you think TSH: 1.9 uIU/ml Free T4: 0.8934 ng/ml Free T3: 1.8 pg/ml Total T3: 73.563 ng/dl Anti Thyroglobulin anti-bodies: 1.51 IU/ml Anti Thyroperoxidase anti-bodies: 0.24 kIU/L Hormonal profile Total Testosterone: 810.46 ng/dl Estradiol: 18.8 pg/ml FSH: 3.23 IU/ml LH: 1.6 IU/ml SHBG: 65 nmol/L DHEA: 25.7 nmol/L Prolactin: 140 IU/ml Cortisol (9.30am)- 261 nmol/L Liver enzymes: ALT: 24 IU/L AST: 36 IU/L Also of note was high B12 levels of 1581 pg/ml but this was due to a high strength b complex I took which I have discontinued use of now.
2017-08-17 Paul Jones
2017-08-18 John c
Hi Paul thanks for the reply. I'm going to take some NDT I think and hoping to start on it asap. I've decided between either natural sources raw thyroid or thyro gold. How long would either take to deliver to Ireland would you recommend them Jack
2017-08-21 Paul Jones
I bought Thyro-Gold myself a couple of years ago. I was in Ireland at the time and the delivery only took six days, even though the package came all the way from the US. I've also bought Natural Sources Raw Thyroid from ebay.co.uk. Delivery took just two to three days. I guess I would recommend Natural Sources Raw Thyroid over Thyro-Gold, just because Natural Sources Raw Thyroid works out a lot cheaper.
2017-09-13 Claire
Hi Paul, I'm jumping on this bus really late, but it sounds like if I am taking 60 mg of Armour, I should take around 3/4 of a 150 mg Thyro-Gold capsule to start? Armour's price has gone up so radically in the last couple of years that I had thought of switching to Nature-Throid or WP Thyroid (Westhroid)...then learned about Thyro-Gold. I'd really prefer not ingesting animal products that have tangled with GMOs, another reason why it sounds good. Despite my levels being spot-on as far as the endocrinologist is concerned (for years since supplementing), I'm still cold most of the time and a building with the standard 72 degree US "business" temperature turns my fingernails blue. I wouldn't mind seeing what working up to a full 150 capsule to see how things went, but would want to begin at the equivalent dosage. Any thoughts? :)
2017-09-14 Paul Jones
Hi Claire. Yes, that's right. 60 mg of Armour Thryoid = 111 mg of Thyro-Gold, which is 3/4 of 150 mg Thyro-Gold capsule.
2017-09-14 Claire
Thanks so much, Paul! Thanks, too, for doing so much work to help folks figure out the right dosages, etc. I also learned a lot from reading others' comments and your responses to them.
2017-09-25 Jade
Hi Paul I'm very confused by this conversion of Thyro-gold to Armour. Years ago I tried Armour but never got as high as 3 grains as it would have been way too much. Anyway I gave up at the time as I didn't think thyroid was the cause of my problems but have since discovered it is. This time I have been on Thyro-gold for between 1 and 2 years, I really can't remember! I have been increasing the dose slowly over that time, by 150mg every 2 or 3 months. 5 weeks ago I increased it to 6 x 300mg - that would be the equivalent of 1,000mg Armour according to your conversion!! And what's more worrying, I still feel very hypo and actually feel worse today than I have in a long time. Also just before the last dose increase I put on a whole stone over the course of 4 weeks and my weight is still going up! Any advice greatly appreciated....
2017-09-25 Paul Jones
I can confirm that six 300 mg capsules of Thyro-Gold is roughly 1000 mg of Armour Thyroid. Here's the calculation:
2017-09-27 Jade
Hi Paul Thank you for your reply, no I'm an old hand at this - firstly, my cortisol is fine. It wasn't years ago, but now that I do High Intensity Interval Training 3 times a week it is sorted. Secondly, I have taken high dose iron for about 4 years as my ferritin was originally low but now is high. I am now switching to WP Thyroid. I seriously doubt that there are any hormones in Thyro-gold at all, if there are then they are not standardised. Maybe it works like a glandular, sort of boosting the thyroid gland but I now believe that to treat a proper deficiency you need a prescription product! Others will probably disagree :)
2017-10-10 Linda
I have been on 300 mg Thyrogold and have been doing well. My Endo recently (FINALLY) prescribed me Armour. He was not sure what dose to start me on so he started me on 120mg of generic Armour. I hope the dose is enough as it is very important for my levels to remain optimal right now.
2019-07-01 Bonita Krajewski
I had both problems. Before I started thyro gold I started treating both the adrenal and low iron and then had no problem with the thyrogold. I have found the information on the stopthethyroidmadness.com website and the book to be very helpful and accurate.
2017-10-20 Bonnie
Hi Paul, thank you for this wonderful site. I'm almost ready to go back and try again. I tried thyrogold for about two months but I stopped because I felt the capsules were pretty empty. I have a habit of biting down on all capsules I take in order to allow the water to seep in with the hope that they will desolve better. When I bite down on the thyroidgold it goes nearly flat. Has any one else had that result? I felt I wasn't getting what I paid for so didn't reorder. Also, I wondered if you can get tablets instead of capsules?
2017-10-24 Paul Jones
Thyro-Gold only comes in capsules, not tablets, m'fraid.
2017-11-20 Samantha milam
I am taking 81.25 mg of western I thyroid 2 times a day what dose that convert to in thyroid gold? Also my daughter was taking 65 mg in western p what dose that convert to in thyroid gold? My pharmacy has been having alot of trouble getting out meds and the other stuff doesn't work well for us think it's the fillers,
2017-11-22 Paul Jones
I'm not sure you mean by "western I thyroid". I guess you mean Westhroid-P. If so, then 81.25 mg of Westhroid-P = 139 mg of ThyroGold and 65 mg of Westhroid-P = 111 mg of Thyro-Gold according to http://thyroidconvert.com/.
2017-11-25 Krista McAulay
Hi there! I am on 3 grains of WP Thyroid for Hashi’s. My doc is expensive and my insurance no longer covers the total cost of my blood work. Lovely! Last test I got, everything was great except I am pre-diabetic. I have insulin resistance due to a female-related issue. I just bought Thyro Gold. I’m starting off to take two in the morning of the 150 mg. I don’t think it’s enough, but how do I measure out more from the caps? Seems tricky. How much do I need?
2017-11-26 Paul Jones
2018-08-10 Krista
Hi there, I've been on the 333mg since November that you suggested. Unfortunately, my TSH lab is now at 16! I used to be .2 when I was on 3 grains of WP Thyroid. I don't understand how I got this bad. Please help since I would love to continue Thyro-Gold.
2018-08-11 Paul Jones
Hi Krista, I would advise emailing Tammy Lowe, the owner of the company producing Thyro-Gold. You can find her email address at https://www.naturalthyroidsolutions.com/contact-information.html
2018-01-13 Frances Reyes
Hi Paul, Due to the recent shortage of Nature-Throid, I am considering switching to Thyro-Gold. I am currently on 3 grains of Nature-Throid. What would the equivalent of Thyro-Gold be. My daughter is also on 1 grain and is considering switching. Any help would be appreciated. Frances
2018-01-13 Paul Jones
3 grains of Nature-Throid = 333 mg of Thyro-Gold.
2018-02-15 Eliara
Hi Paul, how can I calculate, if I take Thyriod-s 3 grains (1 grain = 36mcg T4 and 9mcg T3), how much shoul I take T3 for pooling purpuse for 1 month e.g.? Thanks muchos!
2018-02-15 Paul Jones
I'm not sure what you mean by pooling purposes exactly, but three grains of Thyroid-S is equivalent to 75 mcg of T3.
2018-02-15 Eliara
Pooling is when FT3 is very high and FT4 low, and also rT3 is high, so the hormone T3 is not getting into cells, goes all in blood. So to get pooling off, for some 10 to 100 days you can use T3 only without T4 to clear 'depo', so T3 goes into cells. As I understand it. Pooling happens mostly if you take LT T4 for many years. https://stopthethyroidmadness.com/pooling/ ee how did you get 3 grains as 75mcg of T3 :/ You counted it or its assumed 1 grain as 25mcg T3? If the formula T3x4=t4 then 36/4+9 = 18mcg T3 for 1 grain.
2018-07-27 John
FT3 pooling happens when the T3 can't get into the cell to be utilized. It then accumulates at high levels in the blood. You need good adrenal function to put the T3 into the cell. That's why you should make sure your Adrenal function is good (DHEA, Corisol, Aldosterone) before dosing thyroid medicine. Because when you have low adrenal function, you can take a huge amount of thyroid medicine and still have hypo symptoms if the T3 cannot get into the cell.
2018-02-18 Chris
Hey Paul this info has been so helpful! One quick conversion question... What’s the Natural Factors Raw Thyroid capsule equivalent to ThyroGold? I ran out of my thyrogold and my next shipment is late coming in. I used to use Natural Factors but did not feel it was as strong as thyrogold. I take 300 mg every morning. Since I ran out I grabbed some Natural Factors but trying to confirm the dosing. Sounds like roughly 2 Natural Factors to one 150 mg tablet of Thyrogold? Am I close?
2018-02-22 Paul Jones
I guess you mean Natural Sources Raw Thyroid? In theory, a 150 mg capsule of Thyro-Gold is equivalent of 1.6 capsules of Natural Sources Raw Thryoid. I made a website that does these conversions - http://thyroidconvert.com/. But I'm not sure if this accurate. That's because I don't actually know Natural Sources Raw Thryoid's potency. You can read about my attempt to calculate its potency at http://www.pauljonesblog.com/2017/02/27/how-much-t3-and-t4-is-in-natural-sources-raw-thyroid/
2018-03-11 Erin Cannon
Okay - this is awesome information! I just ordered Thyro-Gold last night planning to switch. I need math help though - I read yours I really did. Then I got overwhelmed. :) I take a small dose of Levoxyl once per day. .05mg (50mcg). What is the conversion amount in the Gold? Is it 1/2 of a 150mg pill? I really appreciate your time on this. Thanks!
2018-03-11 Paul Jones
50 mcg of Levoxyl = 56 mg of Thyro-Gold.
2018-03-19 Erin Cannon
I began this two days ago and have had an immediate headache after taking it - just saw your post just now!! I am taking too much. I need to 3rd it . Thank you very much!
2018-03-19 Erin Cannon
Paul - can I ask your opinion on one more thing? I got out my milligram scale and opened one of these up thinking I could just measure out 56 mg and have a dose. However the 150mg pill actually contains 231 milligrams of substance. Any idea how I would go about converting that to the proper dosage?
2018-03-19 Paul Jones
Since you want to take 56/150 of a pill, I guess you'd multiply 56/150 by the total weight of the pill. So the calculation is 56/150x231, which is 86.24 mg. That's what your actual dose would be. Don't take my word for it though.
2018-04-02 Storm Tentler
I am new to all of this and just rec’d All Of my bloodwork which indicates a pretty significant case of Hypo and Hashimotos. I would love to that Thyro-gold but have no idea how to figure out which dose is correct, how do I calculate my dose? Do I need to use my weight, levels or something else initially? Then experiment from there? Reverse t3= 7 (rr 8-25) Thg Antibodies= 3 (rr <1) Thyroid Peroxidase Anti=205 (rr <9) TSH= 22.07 (rr .4-4.5)
2018-04-17 Gina
Hi Paul, My daughter was on WP thyroid and doing great and now it is out of stock and she is a mess. She has tried NP and Naturethroid along with Tirosint. Nothing is working like the WP. Do you have any suggestions? I saw the Thyroid-Gold on the STTM website and wondered if it would be worth a try. Her Doctor is also willing to give her a compounded formula.
2018-04-21 Onnie
I am on Tirosint 13mcg every other day...how on earth would I know how to take Thyro-gold? I wou,d love to try as having so much joint pain from Evan this small amount of Tirosint...
2018-04-23 Paul Jones
I think 13 mcg of Tirosint is 14 mg of Thyro-Gold. This is a very small amount of Thyro-Gold so you would have to break open the Thyro-Gold capsules to get this amount. For example, you could break open a 150 mg capsule of Thyro-GOld and divide the powder inside into ten equal piles. Each pile would be 15 mg, which is close enough to 14 mg.
2018-05-22 Christine Dufour
Hi Paul, thank you so much for being so reactive to everyone's posts! My question is, I take 2 grains of Thyroid-s how much Thyro-gold do I need. I learned that Thyroid-s will be regulated in Thailand and they will have some difficulties in the future to get provisions of the thyroid ingredients. I read that on Pimpom product. Have you heard anything about that. That is why I am looking for alternatives. Thanks in advance Christine.
2018-06-03 Paul Jones
Hi Christine, according to thyroidconvert.com, 2 grains of Thyroid-S = 222 mg of Thyro-Gold. So about one and a half of the 150 mg Thyro-Gold capsules.
2018-08-14 Claire
Hi Paul. Please help! I currently take 100mcg of levothyroxine. Tammy has suggested that for 2 weeks I take 150mcg of Thyro gold with 50mcg (half) of my levothyroxine. Wouldn't that work out stronger than my current 100mcg of levothyroxine looking at your conversation ??!! Am I correct in thinking that 150mcg of TG is roughly the equivalent of 100mcg of levothyroxine?
2018-08-16 Paul Jones
By my calculations, 150 mg of Thyro-gold is roughly the equivalent of 135 mcg of levothyroxine, not 100 mcg. Also, 100 mcg of levothyroxine would be equivalent of 111 mg of Thyro-gold. So yes, what Tammy is recommending is stronger than your current dosage of 100 mcg of levothyroxine. I set up a website called http://thyroidconvert.com/ to make conversions like this easier.
2018-06-26 Where to buy natural desiccated thyroid in the UK – PaulJonesBlog.com
[…] I skyped with Tammy Lowe and she said a 300mg capsule contains 100mcg of T4 and 25mcg of T3. You won’t find that […]
2018-10-07 John
The price just jumped-up AGAIN. After they redesigned their website, they no longer offer a 3-bottle product for savings. They only offer individual bottles. Now it's $63.50 for each for the 300mg bottle or a WHOPPING 190.50 for three bottles where it was just $181 and before that, 148.36 for three 300mg bottles. This is just crazy! That's almost a 30% increase!
2018-10-07 John
Also, their shipping recently went up from $11.50 to $15.00. The Thyroid-S is looking VERY GOOD at this point.
2018-09-11 Claire
Just to update you. I have been taking 50mcg of levothyroxine and 150mcg of Thyro gold for 2 weeks then 4 days ago I dropped the levothyroxine and am taking 300mcg of Thyro gold. I'm now suffering hypothyroid symptoms! I can see why you have changed back to levo!! Think of will too and take Thyro gold twice a week as a bit of a boost. Sadly ain't working for me and very expensive. I just wanted to share for others considering the switch!
2019-09-22 Homepage
... [Trackback] [...] Read More here: thyroidpaul.com/2015/09/06/the-amount-of-t3-and-t4-in-thyro-gold/ [...]
2019-12-18 Stephen Farkash
Oh, Paul. Wow. Although I have probably have had thyroid issues for perhaps 15 years, I am just recently beginning treatment for hypothyroidism. I specifically requested ndt options for treatment. Like everyone else in the world, I found out my very cool doctor and his intern were having none of it. They shot me down and I left with a script for 25 levo with upcoming blood follow up. The tests were based on tsh only. No t3 or t4 or auto immune. I assume I probably have Hashi’s like 90% of the world. Reading the many requests coming in from folks all over, it is obvious there is a crisis in healthcare on this very common condition. And I am sure it has got to be a big pharma coup on our collective wellbeing versus their profits. So, I am writing to simply thank you for what you are doing to help so many people while our healthcare system is failing us. It’s beyond outrageous. I’m not religious, but bless you for helping. I hope you don’t become overwhelmed and continue your advocacy. Best!
2020-02-04 Hope
I’ve been reading your comments . This is a wonderful site .
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