Where to buy natural desiccated thyroid
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This post explains where to obtain five brands of natural desiccated thyroid:
If you know where to get other brands, let me know in the comments below. This page was last updated on 3 July 2020.
- Yukon Store sell Thyroid-S on Amazon.ca. They will deliver to the UK as well as other countries.
- Pimpomproducts.com sells Thiroyd and Thyroid-S but I'm not sure if the site is trustworthy.
- Various companies are selling Natural Sources Raw Thyroid on eBay.
- An American company is selling a natural dessicated thyroid called Thyro-Gold on its website www.naturalthyroidsolutions.com.
- Some British doctors will prescribe Armour Thyroid if asked.
Thiroyd and Thyroid-S
What is it? Two of several thyroid medications from Thailand. Another is T.R.
How to find it: A website that sells Thiroyd and Thyroid-S is pimpomproducts.com. It's a Thai company that used to sell their products on Amazon. I'm not sure if it's safe to buy through their site, as several people have had issues judging by some of the comments people have left on this blog post. I'll leave the decision to you.
You can sometimes buy Thyroid-S at Amazon.ca. The product is described as an empty glass bottle, but this is actually the seller's way of avoiding the listing getting banned by Amazon. It is 1,000 tablets of Thyroid-S. The ordering process is straightforward and shipping is be worldwide. I bought some myself, using a UK debit card, and it took just over a month to arrive in the UK.
Once in a blue moon you can also find Thiroyd-S and Thiroyd on Amazon.co.uk. The listings are usually only up for a few days before Amazon removes them due to breach of their policies.
Shipping: No matter which site you order Thiroyd and Thyroid-S from, it always seems to be shipped from Thailand. I guess that's where they're made, too. I've found the shipping time to the UK ranges from 10-30 days.
Potency: Each 60g tablet contains 8mcg of T3 and 35 mcg of T4.
Is it any good? I've tried both of them myself and they do have some potency. They have great reviews online as well.
Natural Sources Raw Thyroid
What is it? Each 390mg capsule contains 50mg of thyroid tissue, 20mg of adrenal tissue, 10mg of pituitary tissue, 5mg of thymus tissue, and 5 mg of spleen tissue. That's a lot of stuff! In case you're wondering, the other 300mg is kelp, which is the binder.
How to find it: Go to eBay and search for "Natural Sources Raw Thyroid".
Shipping: There are people in the UK selling this on eBay. Therefore the delivery time should be just a couple of days.
Potency: Each capsule contains 50mg of raw thyroid tissue. According to my calculations, this means that each capsule contains about 7.5 mcg of T3 and 32 mcg of T4.
Is it any good? There are reviews here.
Price: The price is typically £15-20 (inc. P&P) for 60 capsules. If you're taking 4 capsules a day, then this works out as £1-£1.50 per day.
What is it? A natural desiccated thyroid created by the late Dr John Lowe. His widow, Tammy Lowe, now runs the company. The product contains T1, T2, T3, T4 and calcitonin. It comes in two sizes of capsule: 150 mg and 300 mg. The 300 mg capsule has 130 mg of desiccated thyroid powder from New Zealand cows.
How to find it: You can order Thyro-Gold from www.naturalthyroidsolutions.com.
It ships from: the USA. When I bought some, it took just six days to arrive at my house in the UK.
Potency: I skyped with Tammy Lowe and she said a 300mg capsule contains 100mcg of T4 and 25mcg of T3. You won't find that information anywhere else, because the company can't legally disclose the amount of T3 and T4 in it.
Price: A bottle of ninety 300 mg capsules costs $63.50 + $40 p&p to the UK (so about £78 in total).
Armour Thyroid
What is it? Armour is pig thyroid hormone. It contains both T3 and T4.
How to find it: You'll need a prescription from a doctor. However, I believe that most doctors are unwilling to prescribe Armour. Therefore I recommend using Google to find doctors in your area who will prescribe it.
Potency: There's 9mcg of T3 and 38mcg of T4 per 60mg pill.
Is it any good? Armour Thryoid has an average rating of 8.3 out of 10 on drugs.com. I haven't used it much myself though, so I can't vouch for it.
Price: You might be able to get Armour Thyroid for free. This is because hypothyroidism patients are entitled to free prescriptions. You should only need a medical exemption certificate from the NHS. Ask your GP for an application form. However, other people say they pay for their Armour Thyroid, perhaps because it's unlicensed in the UK.
2021-01-13 Kiwi
Hello all. I ordered and tried TruThyroid by Pimpom products. The guy (Chris) claimed that the strength is half a grain compared to Thiroyd and advised me to double the amount of TruThyroid pills. Anyway fast forward about 5 months and i passed out at work. Got my bloods done and my TSH was 11 and both T3 and T4 were very low. I emailed Chris to advise him that these pills are not half a grain as advertised. I even increased my dosage after that incident but i still feel very ropey and I have gained a lot of weight. My hair is starting to fall out too. Tread with caution.... i think either the dosage is very very weak or its just a duff pill. Feeling very disappointed. I have now switched to synthetic t3 and t4 until i find an alternative NDT. I might just see a private endocrinologist to try and get Armour.
2021-01-01 Jan Krongboon, massagelondon gmail com 0066994403698
Now I do charge $1 per pill. Yes, people do buy for that price, because it's still competitive in comparison to the other NDT's. On top of it - no prescription, no doctor appointments and no need for hormonal tests. I do offer first rate service - multiple payment options, free replacement in case problems with customs. In case of post office delays I am able to send within European Union and within the UK a rapid supply (even the next day delivery with courier). Yes, they are still in date. Thai NDT's are made with 105% declared potency and NDT loses only 1% per year. So even before their expiry date, they have 101-102% potency. If stored properly, tightly closed from air, pollutants and away from moisture, they can be used many years after expiry date. Even after 10 years. Some of my clients did buy from me up to 5 boxes, 5000 pills, when it became known that production was ceased. My Thiroyd is 02.2022 (3 years from production date), Thyroid TR 03.2022 and Thyroid S 09.2022 (4 years from production date). I still do have 903 pills of Thiroyd with ex date 02.2020, 1000 pills (unopened box) with ex 02.2021. Those are production batches, which some users find more potent then the latest one made. Because of the African Swine Flu all genetically selected herds were destroyed. When disease will pass in a few years time new herds would have to be reconstructed from earlier collected eggs, sperm and embryos. Those selected animals do have a large thyroid glands and with high hormonal content. To such extend, that no meat or any part of carcass can be used for consumption for humans or even animals.
2021-01-01 Nikki
Maybe it is competitive in comparison to other NDT's, but I have used Thyroid-S for £10 years and never ever paid more than £100.00 for 1000 pills, in fact the last lot I bought 2 years ago was £65 for 1000 pills. If I was to buy from you now that would be £730!! I assume the swine flu is what has driven the price, but I hope at some future point it will return to normal prices again as it's unsustainable for most, and definitely for me sadly.
2021-01-01 Nikki
The prices you quote per pill are astounding! I hope people aren't desperate enough to pay that price, especially when I suspect the shelf life of the stock will be short considering there is none available anywhere at this time.
2020-10-22 Sue
I'd like to know about RXDU too! They only supply an email address to transfer money - not sure how to do that - and when I emailed them to ask if their prices were in American or Canadian dollars the email bounced back.
2020-12-27 Jan Krongboon, massagelondon gmail com 0066994403698
It was just an old and unknown website, which was abandoned many years ago, now it's domain has lapsed. I still do have Thai NDT's and selling them for $1 per pill plus postage $7. Since Sue wrote her question she did purchase from me stock of Thyroid S for a half year use. Jan Krongboon massagelondon gmail 0066994403698
2020-10-21 Sarah
Hi There, has anyone heard of RXDU as a company that sells Thyroid S? I found them online and can't seem to find any bad reviews of them, but also can't find much information at all! Anyone had any experiences with them? Thanks!
2020-10-11 Jan Krongboon, massagelondon gmail com 0066994403698
I still do have some stock of Thiroyd and Thyroid S left in Thailand, also in Poland I do have several boxes of Thyroid TR by T Man Pharma. They were discontinued some 2 years ago, no chance for production within years. Jan Krongboon massagelondon gmail com 0066994403698
2020-10-24 Vicki Hill
You have Thiroyd by Greater Pharma to sell?
are you selling them? and are they still in date?
2020-10-28 Jan Krongboon, massagelondon gmail com 0066994403698
yes, that whta I have wrote above, do charge 0.8gbp, e0.9, $1 per pill. Postage 5gbp, e, $, takes some 2-3 weeks from thailand and below 2 weeks from poland
2020-10-28 Jan Krongboon, massagelondon gmail com 0066994403698
yes, they are still in date. Thai NDT's are made with 105% declared potency and NDT loses only 1% per year, so even before their expiry date, they have 101-102% potency. If stored properly, tightly closed from air, pollutants and away from moisture, they can be many years after expiry date. My Thiroyd is 02.2022, Thyroid TR 03.2022, Thyroid S 09.2022
2020-10-29 Edyta
Hi, did you still have some avaible? I am looking for Thyroid TR by TMan pharma
2020-10-30 Jan Krongboon, massagelondon gmail com 0066994403698
Edyta, yes, they will be send from Poland, I have very few left, $1 or 4zl
2020-11-08 Nicole
Hi! Do you still have any left and how much for shipping to the USA zip 12701
2020-11-14 Sally Hobbs
Hi, Have you still got Thai thyroid? I would be happy with Thiroyd or Thyroid S. Many thanks, Sally.
2020-11-17 Jan Krongboon, massagelondon gmail com 0066994403698
I did reply just a few days ago, so yes, I still do have them. Yes, I did quote price $5 for postage anywhere in the world. Payment by transferwise, bitcoin Thanx
2020-06-26 claire gibbs
cannot get Thyroid S from my supplier in Thailand, on back order for two months now, have paid for it and cant get them. Got doctor to issue private prescription for Armour 100 tablets which cost me £150, I have no thyroid and going to run out soo, don't know what to do next.... help please?
What is your opinion of Thyrovanz which seems to be more concentrated than the thyro gold?
2016-09-24 Paul Jones
Never heard of it. Sorry!
2019-09-01 EILEEN LL
PAUL JONES THYROVANZ on this website: https://www.thyroidsupplements.com/purchase/ Bovine Desiccated Thyroid from New Zealand. Similar description as Thyro Gold but priced lower. No 300 mg capsules. Have you checked it out since this 2016 post?
2020-02-08 Lisa
I ordered two bottles of Thyrovanz 90 tablets each bottle, it causes a horrible after taste and burping like burnt charcoal, it didn’t work for me I would save your money, and go with something else.
2016-10-29 Fiona
Hi Paul, this is the most helpful website I've found, so thank you!!!! I'm really interested in trying NDT as thyroxine doesn't work and Liothyronine makes me feel sh*t! Would you recommend one over another? I like the sound of the thyrogold...
2016-11-01 Paul Jones
I'm taking Thiroyd and Thyroid-S at the moment. I like them because they're cheap. They're often on Amazon. Thyro-Gold, on the other hand, is expensive. But it's a good choice if you can't find Thiroyd or Thyroid-S. Armour is also good, but you have to go through your doctor to obtain it. I don't recommend Natural Sources Raw Thyroid because I don't know exactly how much thyroid hormone is in it.
2019-01-22 Lori
Just an FYI, I've been on NDT for 40 years, the only products that have worked well have been taken sublingual. Greater Pharma can be done sublingual and has worked well for me.
2016-11-10 Catarina
Is Armour Thyroid really still good...?! I have a prescription for it and could easily get it, but would have to pay for it out of my own pocket as NDT is not reimbursed in Belgium. It's about the price of Thyro-Gold, I'd say...but it has been reformulated at least once since 2009, some say twice...after the first reformulation, many were said to be unhappy with it after cellulose was increased and that allegedly affected absorption of hormones. This information I obtained mainly from the STTM website. If Armour now works better, nobody would be happier than me...that would mean being able to order it, perfectly legit, without having to worry about customs and confiscated shipments and God knows what else...so, those of you here on Armour, are you happy with it? Do you chew it up in order to make it work (some say that is necessary to break down excessive cellulose)?
Are you diagnosed as hypo? There are many whom are not diagnosed but use over the counter ndt because they're convinced they have thyroid disease. My mother is having a hard time with her hypo issue and her Endo will not prescribe Armour for her, which lead me here, trying to research how efficient over the counter ndt's are :)
2016-11-15 Paul Jones
I was diagnosed with hypo in 2014. ;) For your mother, the best options are Thiroyd, Thyroid-S, or Thyro-Gold. These are the products that are the most similar to Armour.
2016-11-18 Jane
I was diagnosed as hypo a little over a year ago and put on levothyroxine. I have since lost my insurance and will no longer be able to get a prescription for thyroid meds. I start with Thyro-Gold tomorrow. I know the relative dosage I need to take but I was wondering if I need to avoid the same foods when I take the NDT as I do with the synthetics.
2016-11-18 Paul Jones
i'm not sure if there's any foods you need to avoid. What foods did you avoid when you were taking levothyroxine? And where do you live that you can't afford levothyroxine? From personal experience I know that In Quebec, levothyroxine costs around $10 for a three-month's supply, in Spain it's about €5, and in the UK it's free. (A prescription is needed though, of course.)
2019-11-23 Karen
I know this is an old post. But, since people still refer to it: You should not take anything high in calcium within an hour before or 4 hours after taking your thyroid supplement. Calcium binds T4. Not sure it's a HUGE problem, but I've been told that by doctors for 45 years of thyroid supplementation (I don't have a thyroid).
2016-11-21 Adrian
Paul you mentioned the7dayshopping.com and you weren't sure if they were legit. Did you actually order from them and if so how did it go? I'm looking at using them but have same suspicions.
2016-11-21 Paul Jones
I haven't ordered anything from them, so I can't vouch for their honesty.
Scamadviser.com seems to think the site is trustworthy. A search of who.is shows the registrar claims to be based in Thailand, which is another good sign because NDTs tend to come from Thailand. The domain was registered in 2013, which is good because it means the website has been around for a while. Scam sites tend to be more temporary.
The email address of the registrar is chaopradit@gmail.com. A reverse whois tool shows that this guy owns 14 other domains, ranging from hypnosisnlptraining.com to besteyeframe.com. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad sign.
If you do order something from them, let me know how it goes.
2016-11-27 Lisa
Hi Paul When ordering through Amazon for Thyroid s; did you have to log in as a guest? Through my uk account I am getting an error stating they do not ship here? TIA
2016-11-30 Paul Jones
Hi Lisa. That could be correct. When I ordered, I had made an Amazon.ca account. I was able to ship to a UK address and pay with a UK debit card.
2016-12-13 Lisa
Thanks Paul; I shall give it a go tomorrow Thanks Lisa
2016-12-13 ginny hutton
Very interesting review Paul - thanks for the info from a fellow Irish Resident. I have been using thiroyd for a few months with no issues - bought from amazon (but there is nothing for sale there currently) - seems terribly reasonable in price compared to some of the alternatives. Cheers, and a happy christmas to you :)
Thank you for this info. I have been taking Thiroyd for the last few years, but can't find it anywhere! Ahh! How does it compare to Thyroid-s? So many negative reviews of Thyroid S, that I'm afraid to try, but don't want to have no meds. Thanks!
2016-12-14 Paul Jones
Funnily enough, I've never tried Thryoid-S; I've always taken Thiroyd. I own two unopened packets of Thryoid-S that I was planning to use when my supply of Thiroyd runs out. But maybe I'll start a Thryoid-S trial tomorrow to see how it compares to Thiroyd.
2016-12-22 Chris Donnington
I am going to Thailand next month and thinking about buying some Thyoid S. Currently I am taking 75 Thyroxine. How much will I need to take of Thyoid S Thanks Chris
2016-12-22 Paul Jones
75 mcg of levothyroxine = roughly 60 mg of Thyroid-S (1 tablet). My calculation is below. According to http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/armour-vs-other-brands/, one 60 mg tablet of Thyroid-S contains 38 mcg of T4 and 9 mcg of T3. Since T3 is four times more potent than T4, the equivalent of levothyroxine is 38 mcg + (9 mcg x 4) = 74 mcg.
2016-12-26 Maria
Hi paul, I have been prescribed 50mcg of levothyroxine for my newly diagnosed hypothyroidism (l have not started my medication yet as reading so many negative reviews about synthetic T4). I purchased thyro gold online and was wondering what the equivalent dosage would be for 50mcg of Levothyroxine. I would like to ask another quick question? I had the bad surprise of having customs charges of £22 for my package (l ordered only 2 tubes). Have you encountered this issue? I feel so desperate as it is for my health :(. The product are expensive and if l get charged so much each time l order, it is going to be very difficult. Thank you. Maria
2016-12-27 Paul Jones
Hi Maria, Thyro-Gold is expensive so I don't bother with it. I buy Thiroyd and Thyroid-S instead. They're much cheaper. They cost around £60 for 1,000 tablets. I take around five tablets a day, so I'm paying just 30 pence per day. Sometimes you can find Thiroyd or Thyroid-S on Amazon. Currently you can buy Thyroid-S on Amazon.ca. See this link. I bought some myself and it took just over a month to arrive to the UK. I used to buy Thiroyd and Thyroid-S on Amazon.co.uk, but since March this year I can no longer find them on there. By the way, I see you're reluctant to take levothyroxine. If I were you, I would start taking it. It may not be as good as dessicated thyroid but it's better than no medication at all. At least take it until the dessicated thyroid arrives in the post.
2017-12-27 John Thomas
Hi Paul Have you tried Thyrovanz. I am thinking of trying it. John
2020-09-03 Steve Loftus
How times have changed. Both are £300 per 1000 at the moment.
2017-01-11 Faye
Paul, Have you tried contacting the Amazon UK seller that you bought the Thiroyd from before? If not, it might be worth a try as they may have another way for you to buy from them.
2017-01-12 Mandy Knowles
I tried contacting my seller on Amazon who said they didn't post to the UK, but I have found an online shop - my Amazon order was £40 for 1000 thyroid S and this one is £50 for 1000. Please be careful as some sites charge over the odds.
2017-01-15 Del
Mandy, please may I ask where you purchased your Thyroid S from?
2017-01-15 Faye
Hi Mandy, that's interesting. I have tried contacting my Amazon seller too, but have had no reply. What is the online shop that you used called?
2017-01-22 Catarina
I would appreciate feedback on any of the three Thai brands of NDT (Thyroid-S, Thiroyd, and TR TMan). I am currently considering switching to one of those brands (I am on Erfa Thyroid, prescribed by my doctor, but it's horribly expensive and not that good, IMHO), and would appreciate feedback on how they work. From the info I've found online, Thyroid-S contains a lot more fillers than the other two brands, but most users still seem happy with it so the fillers do not seem to affect its potency? Any feedback would be much appreciated, thanks!
2017-01-25 Lisa
Hi Paul, I ordered from Canada but I also messaged the company that I ordered them from originally on Amazon uk and they sent me this link to buy them on Amazon uk but when searching cannot tims them at all – strange!!! Anyhow this is the link to them on U.K. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01N4Q3BBD Lisa
2017-01-26 Paul Jones
Thiroyd is back on Amazon.co.uk! Well done Lisa! Your info's going on this page. The listing name is Thyroid Greater Support Supplement. The listing says the "Date first available" is 22 Jan 2017, which is only three days ago. So I guess the seller made the listing or a few days before that. Edit on 26 Jan 2016: Looks like the listing is already gone. The page now says: "We're sorry. The Web address you entered is not a functioning page on our site."
2017-01-28 Lisa
Hi Paul If you search thyroid greater support supplement 1000tabs in Amazon UK it brings it up and is sold by varietystore2013. Dates to 2019 however only three left in stock it says. Thanks Lisa
2017-01-25 Mary
Hi Paul, I was starting to get desperate, as my source of Swanson Thyroid Glandular has dried up. In fact, it is unavailable now from the manufacturer both in the UK and the USA! I have been searching unsuccessfully for something else. Nutri Thyoid, which I took a long time ago is also unavailable. Then I stumbled across your site, and a ray of hope has dawned! I have found the Thiroyd product on Amazon UK, and will order some. I have read all of the posts on here, and have found some helpful information, especially the equivalent values of Thiroyd and Levothyroxine. The only question I have is, can you be sure this is really dessicated thyroid tissue? Are you sure it's not just cheapo cheapo synthetic again?I can't see where it says it on the label. Is it too cheap to be genuine? Also is it really trustworthy? Could it be contaminated in any way, coming from Thailand? Or from unvetted cattle? I'd so appreciate your feedback, as I feel I ought to order ASAP, as I expect every man and his dog will be snapping up all the available thyroid products from now on, if the main suppliers are no longer manufacturing. Does that strike you as odd, by the way? I was speaking to a Dutch lady recently and she was telling me that even synthetic thyroxine is (or was a month ago) practically unavailable in Holland and all the hypos were running around wondering what to do! What is going on! Is Big Pharma trying to get alternatives taken off the market? Thanks so much, Mary
2017-01-29 Paul Jones
Thanks for the tip Lisa. For other users, here's the link. Edit on 3 Feb 2017: This listing has disappeared now too.
Hi I tried the link for Amazon Canada and found the thyroid s, however the delivery not stated until after you had made an account, just before payment, almost doubled the price. Are there any more reputable sources? It will make the price even more prohibitive after the taxman and royal mail have added their costs to it! Also if we buy dodgy meds from the internet doesn't it cost the NHS more to try and sort us out than they saved by not supplying in the first place?! Thanks Sue
2017-02-09 Paul Jones
Hi Sue, Just now I tried to buy Thyroid-S from Amazon.ca to see what the P&P charge is. I found that Amazon.ca says that P&P is still free:
This for Standard International Shipping though (which Amazon says takes 3-4 months!). If you want the parcel to arrive faster, then there's Expedited International Shipping which Amazon says takes 1-2 months and costs £25.23.
Also there are no charges from Royal Mail.
2017-02-03 Clare
HELP!!! Please? Anyone?! I've been searching for Thiroyd to buy online, it is available on the 7dayshopping.com you mentioned above but the only options for payment was bitcoin or Western Union which I'm not comfy with. Amazon appears to be out of stock (.uk and .ca) is there anywhere else?
2017-02-04 Paul Jones
Sorry, I don't know of anywhere else. My only suggestion is to buy an alternative like Thryo-Gold.
2017-03-06 Anna
Clare, There are several sites shipping Thiroyd worldwide from Thailand, but I am not sure it's OK to post websites here? Some forums advice against it as that could eventually force those sellers out of business (provided their activities are illegal in the country where they are based, and I am not sure that is the case with Thailand, however...).
2017-03-08 Paul Jones
Hi Anna, Feel free to post any websites here. Your help will make it easier for patients to find NDTs. I support openness and freedom of information rather than secrecy.
2019-01-19 pat
will you be sharing these websites?
2017-02-15 Mary
Hi Paul, I managed to order the Thyroid S from Amazon UK, but like you, I see that it is now unobtainable. I have messaged the supplier and will forward any reply I get about obtaining further supplies, for the benefit of any of your readers who may wish to order. My order arrived quite quickly, by the way: about a fortnight. I got it sent to an address in the UK and the total cost was £45 (£40 for the product and £5 for postage) These are approx figures. I am actually in Portugal, but the postage to here was something horrendous, £27 or £35, I can't quite remember which!!! So my contact in the UK will forward it to me by Royal Mail. I've asked him to send me some of the tablets flat-packed in a Jiffy bag, as I won't need all of them before returning to the UK. There are also customs issues here in Portugal, so I didn't want to risk that! I saw that one of your correspondents, Maria, had experienced similar issues with her order from the USA of Thyro-Gold. I had some issues with health products being sent from the USA to the UK some years ago, and want to warn your readers about that. Not only will there be customs charges, but the Post Office will charge you something like £8 holding fee, which you have to pay before they will release the package to you! That's why Maria's charge was so high (£22). One further question I wanted to ask you was about equivalents. I see you gave a reply about that above, in which you say one tablet of Thyroid S is equivalent to 75mcg of Levothyroxine. I used to be on 150mcg when I was taking Levothyroxine (which I haven't been doing for the last couple of years, having switched to desiccated thyroid glandular manufactured by Swanson in the USA but available UNTIL RECENTLY from a UK outlet, Health Monthly, so no import duty), so that's two tablets per day. My question is this: I thought I was on about the max dosage of Levothyoxine at 150mcg, so how come you are taking 5 tabs of Thyroid S a day? That would appear to be more than double the max dosage? Have you found that, in practice, you need more than the equivalent dosage? Or were you on a way higher dosage than even 150 mcg originally? I look forward to hearing your reply. Mary PS I've just followed your link to Stop The Thyroid Madness to look at Thyroid S, and I see they have a list of the ingredients on there. I wish I had followed that link before as I would never have bought this product if I had known the ingredients! Aluminium, parabens and Titanium Dioxide, which I have assiduously tried to avoid in other products, and talcum! Eeek! I think I shall try obtaining something else!
Really helpful blog. I've been ordering thyroid s for two years from a website which has now been closed down. Absolutely gutted. Anybody know where I can get it now?
2017-03-05 Catherine
Are you referring to the site shipping from the UK...? They recently went out of business after PayPal closed their account of many years. Completely scandalous IMHO! Having said that, there are several reputable sellers shipping Thai NDT from Thailand. Are you happy on Thyroid-S then? I have been considering giving it a chance lately, but the very long list of fillers and binders makes me somewhat hesitant...
2017-03-21 Jayne
Hi im mad cat iv come off levothyroxine after being on it 20 years (hell) i was taking 100mg horrible crap meds looked 6 months preg 4 years so i cold turkyed all aches&pains gone lost a stone iv gone lactose& gluten free just need advice on some good aquivilent ndt please help get no support of my doc from merseyside england
The drugs companies are stopping the supply of natural thyroid alternatives on the market. My edo has actually been banned from prescribing NDT because he refuses to prescribe synthetic thyroid drugs. It's scandalous and needs to be exposed.
2017-03-05 Abbey
I've found what I think might be Thyroid S on Amazon.co.uk but not 100% this is it? Here's the link: Thyroid S Energy and Support Supplement for Men and Women https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B06XFNHZ55/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_66gVybMJH0EJ7
2017-03-05 Paul Jones
Thanks Abbey, that's the one.
2017-03-05 Anna
So, Paul, are you still on Thiroyd and happy with it? After giving up on both Armour and Erfa (expensive and ineffective), I have decided to try Thai NDT...the question is just: which brand to choose?! They all have mostly great online reviews, and I realise we are all different and need to find out what works for us as individuals...nevertheless, it would be just great to get some feedback from you and others on this subject!
2017-03-05 Paul Jones
Basically, I've taken Thiroyd for about a year, with an average dose of 6 grains per day. Recently however I've realised that dosage has been too much. I've had side-effects of over-dosing, namely tinnitus, dry skin on my face, unexplainable anxiety, and a pounding heart. So a week ago I reduced my average dosage to just 2.5 pills a day. I'm still waiting to see if my tinnitus will go away. I've also tried Thyroid-S, which in my opinion is practically identical to Thiroyd. I tried Thyro-Gold too, but I stopped it because it was too expensive. At some point I'll write a blog post with more detail my experiences so far. Edit: Here's a graph showing my medication dosage over time. (It shows a 30-day moving average which explains why the line looks relatively smooth).
2017-03-06 Anna
Interesting, thanks for the reply! So that basically means you don't think there is a difference, potency-wise, between Thiroyd and Thyroid-S, although the latter contains much more fillers and binders...? Just out of curiosity: why did you reduce your dose from 6 to 2.5 grains daily? Are you not supposed to decrease it by half a grain at a time? I'd really appreciate if you wold one day write a blog post with more details, as there is so much conflicting information out there...when I first started looking for info on NDT, I used STTM, but they seem to think every brand out there has been reformulated and is no longer working the same... Has nobody tried TR, the new Thai NDT? It sounds interesting, as it is said to be absorbed from the small intestine rather than the stomach, and that this in turn means that less thyroid hormone is destroyed by stomach acid.
2017-03-12 Pink fluff
Can't find purchasable ndt products anywhere at the moment - which for me is 'thiroyd'.none on Amazon uk anymore, not even the other brands that are similar like 'thyroid-s' - anyone know what's going on?
2017-03-13 Paul Jones
Amazon.co.uk aggressively removes NDTs from its site. That's why you'll rarely see NDTs on Amazon.co.uk. Amazon.ca, on the other hand, has a more lax attitude. This is shown by the fact that Thyroid-S has been on Amazon.ca for a few months now. I suggest ordering Thyroid-S from there. I know you take Thiroyd, but in my experience, Thyroid-S is virtually the same as Thiroyd anyway. I'd like to know where other people are getting their medication from though.
2017-03-14 Pink fluff
Thanks Paul - I think I can guess but why do Amazon U.K. Remove it? I've bought it twice from there no problems but there American site (thyroid-s, 1000 tabs) is $100 which is about £82! Twice the cost of my usual one & don't know if there will be duties or tax on top of that as well. Can anyone who knows where else we can get these in the U.K. Or Europe For reasonable prices please post? Thanks v much
2017-03-15 Paul Jones
The sale of products containing thyroid medication is against Amazon's policies. Specifically, their site says that "Products that contain thyroid, adrenal extract or thyroid extract" are prohibited. The reason these products are probibited is because they are (supposed to be) prescription only.
2017-03-16 Pink fluff
I see - I don't know what to do I'm nearly out of thiroyd & worried that thyroid-s has a lot of fillers & additives according to sttmadness site (the reason I choose thiroyd in first place) & it's saying when I try to buy on Amazon.ca total cost is &95(probably +tax) - I take quite a lot so expensive form me. Did you pay duty/tax on yours Paul? As before, If anyone knows where else I can get as above or others please can you advise? I would be incredibly grateful.
2017-03-16 Pink fluff
Ps - emailed Amazon seller I used before & greater pharma (thiroyd manufacturer) a couple of days ago but no reply yet
2017-03-17 LN
Does anyone know anything about American Biologics Thyroid, which is 130 mg of raw thyroid concentrate? What would the equivalents be of NP Acella thyroid, or Armour, for example? Has anyone tried it and do you feel it works? Thanks!
2017-03-29 Kerrie
Hi I really would like to order thyroid s ive been on levo for 13 years and I am also on a low dose of t3 and although my blood ranges are fine I don't feel that way . I tried to order from amazon ca but they seem to want to charge postage you mention free postage so I'm. Not sure if I'm doing this right and I tried in the 7day site but they want money gram and I'd like to just use my credit or debit card any help on this would be great I'm in the uk many thanks
2017-04-02 Carrie Marsh
Hi Paul This is a great website, thanks for all the information. You mentioned in the a comment last year that you were taking both Thyroid-S and Thiroyd - why both and are you still taking both or do you have a preference for one over the other? I'm on Levothyrox and looking to swap but NDT is not available in France where I live so going for an online purchase. Thanks Carrie
2017-04-06 Paul Jones
I tried both because I guess wanted to see if one was better than the other. I never took both at the same time though. I don't have a preference between one or the other. They seem virtually identical.
2017-04-02 Carrie Marsh
Kerrie, I've just seen that PimPom Products ship for free from Thailand - Thiroyd and Thyroid-S
2017-04-03 Charmayne Fletcher
Hi, I will be moving to Madrid Spain from the USA in the next few months. I have Hashi's and I'm currently taking 130mg of Nature Thyroid and 25mg Liothyronine. I have just found out that they don't prescribe Nature Thyroid in Spain. Only T4 products. When I asked my doctor who lives in Spain, he told me to bring a boat load of my meds over with me. Well, we all know that's not going to happen. Can anyone tell me if Spain dispenses any type of NDT? I am told they have the T3. I'm really stressing out about this. Thanks in advance for any help
2017-04-21 A.V.
Hi there Im very ill had tt back in 2011 im male 36yo been on levotiroxine for 20 years. (150u) once the surgery i started having pain now im full time im bed dying not slowly anymore. drs do not believe my symtoms since every t is on parameter. chronic fatigue syn. describes me 100% chronic pain that even on tramadol wont let me walk, insomnia, high cholesterol, etc etc etc 100% hypothyorism & hypoparathyrodism. i need to switch to armour asap please help i wanna live!!! i live in Mx. please any website so i can buy them
2017-09-03 Julia
Google Pim Pom NDT and order from that site. Good luck
2017-06-02 Shell
I ordered ThyroidS from amazon canada over a month ago. It was meant to arrive last week and when I emailed the company they said it has probably been destroyed at the UK border so they're giving me a refund. I have been without any NDT for a week now and feeling like death. No idea what I'm going to do next, break the bank going to a functional medicine doctor, or buy thryogold and hope it arrives.
2017-07-01 Rosie
Hi, I have hashimoto and I came to know that NDT is good for that too but I am a little confused about the dosage. How do you know which one is right for you?
2017-07-02 Paul Jones
I recently made an online calculator so you can convert between levothyroxine and NDTs. It's at www.thyroidconvert.com.
2017-07-04 Rosie
Thank you so much!!! :)
2017-08-01 Jackie Burgess
Hi I ordered thyroid s on June 22nd 2017. Because I hadn't heard anything I chased it with Amazon U.K. they said I'd ordered from Amazon.ca and then I received an email from the supplier saying I should get the tablets in 7 days. This evening I had an email from Amazon.ca telling me they had asked for a full refund as the goods have been destroyed because they contain undeclared drug ingredients. The delivery was £30.00 but I am desperate for these tablets. I just checked and they are still on the site and you can still order them only to be destroyed what's the point!!!!! Why can't you get them anywhere in U.K. ????
2017-09-03 Julia
Order from Pim Pom products, I'm in Australia and a lot order from them. Though you can only buy a three months supply at a time, without a doctors script for more. If you order say, 1000 tabs (which is what I successfully ordered 14 months ago) then they are sent to you in three month batches. Silly new border security laws! Pim Pom site explains all this
2017-10-05 Magda
Hi, Thyroid S contains a lot of different chemicals. My friend got very sick after taking it. The ingredients, according to Pongsak Songpaisan of Sriprasit are: Thyroid extract USP Lactose (a milk sugar and is a filler) PVP K90 (Polyvinylpyrolidone; water soluble coating/binder; no known hazard) Avicel (microcrystalline cellulose; holds product together) Aerosil (silicic acid powder; help disperse the ingredients) Sodium starch glycolate (helps dissolute/disintegrate the pill) Magnesium stearate (filling agent) Eudragit (a common sustain-released coating) Methocel (a water soluble cellulose — helps bind pill) Talcum (a filler) Ponceau 4r lake (red additive-aluminum) Tartrazine lake (yellow additive-aluminum) Brilliant blue FCF lake (blue additive-aluminum) Sunset yellow FCF (yellow additive) Titanium dioxide (white) PEG 6000 (water soluble polymer; binder) Dimethicone solution (Thanks to Ruth-Ann for obtaining the ingredients list above; descriptions added) On 8-2009, received an email from a US Doctor who received the following list after emailing Sriprasit: Fillers used: Corn starch, actose, Avicel (microcrystalline cellulose; MCC); Binders used: PVP K-90 (Polyvinylpyrrolidone); Preservatives used: Methyl paraben, Propyl paraben; Content in one tablet (60 mg thyroid extract): approximately 38 mcg Levothyroxine (T4) and 9 mcg Liothyronine (T3); Source of extract: Porcine https://stopthethyroidmadness.com/armour-vs-other-brands/
2017-10-25 Mairead Emmanson
Hello I'm currently taking 125mg levothyroxine after radioactive iodine in 2014 (graves disease discovered after the stillbirth of my 1st baby 2011). My question is I've never asked my doctor for any alternatives and exactly 1 year ago I as discharged from the endocrine clinic in the hospital. I have felt like I'm living a half life since going under active, do I ask my GP for an alternative medication before buying one myself online????
2017-10-29 Beth Urmston
Thank you. The converter was exactly what I needed.
I just had the same problem got a email today say I will receive a credit on my Amex card
2017-09-04 Paul Jones
Thanks for the tip, Julia. I'll add it to the page.
Hi I have subclinical hipo, is it safe to take Thyroid S?? Thank you
2017-09-19 Gill
Hi all I take Thyroid -S and have been on this for the last year, I built up to 2 grains but had side effects like pounding heart etc so now I am only on 1 grain, I was on 75mg Levo prior to this (I have Hashis) I always keep a spare 1000 bottle as the date is 2019, I have researched and found companies that send it overseas, this was after Amazon stopped, so you can get this easily it's just knowing where to look. Also, I am sure a lot of you are on Facebook, type Thyroid S in the search function, I have bought from Thai suppliers on there very cheaply, it’s exactly the same as Amazon used to be Think it was the get set buy shop 24, with tracked postage, great service Best wishes
2017-09-27 Karyl quigley
Hi, need to know how to pay for my Thiroid tablets, they can't accept pay pal, have never heard of the other firms ie Bit coin etc, how do you pay Pim Pom ?
2017-09-27 Paul Jones
Hi Karyl, I just went through the ordering process and it looks like you can pay with a debit or credit card? Here's a screenshot from pimpomproducts.com:
2017-11-05 Josephine Pretty
I pay them with MasterCard.
2017-12-22 Karyl quigley
Thank you so much
2017-12-30 Jane chapple
Hi I think WU stopped allowing people to buy NDT through their service just like Paypal did. There are not many companies that allow it now. I had to pay £20 through my bank and they did query as it was through Thailand but thankfully I got my pills delivered. This situation really does need exposing. Its scandalous. I dont think these drugs have ever killed anybody! Jane
2018-01-14 Tanya Konosonoka (UK)
Hi Paul, I sent an email to pimpom products on the 3rd of January asking them if I can pay the Thyroid tablets through Western Union money transfer and they replied yes and they gave me an Agents name and an address to send to. On the 4th January I then done a WU Money transfer in cash, I sent the amount with the MTCN. It is now the 14th January and I thought my package might be on its way because I don't know how long these things normally take to dispatch. I've tried to email pimpom products 4 or 5 times to try and get an update as to what is happening but they just won’t reply to me since I sent the WU transfer money to them. I logged on at Western Union online earlier today to see if I could track with my MTCN and see the status of the money I sent them and it says that the money is still there available to be collected. I wondered have I done the wrong thing by sent this money by WU and has anybody else had the same problem is it just me. Would it be better to cancel it and get a refund because my money is just sitting there at the Western Union Agents.
2017-12-30 Jane chapple
Hi I think WU stopped allowing people to buy NDT through their service just like Paypal did. There are not many companies that allow it now. I had to pay £20 through my bank and they did query as it was through Thailand but thankfully I got my pills delivered. This situation really does need exposing. Its scandalous. I dont think these drugs have ever killed anybody! Jane
2019-09-28 Dawn
I used to order from them and got the TR TMAN fine before. The last time I ordered, I paid with money gram and never got the order. That was back in June, now it is almost October and can’t seem to find it in stock or get it from anywhere.
2017-10-16 David Jones (UK)
Many thanks Paul for setting up this web page. Did an awful lot of searching for Thyroid-S before finding you. My order came to day. I ordered on Amazon.ca. Took about a month. Progress of order can be followed through a link on order page.
2017-10-17 Helen
Hi Paul and other thyroid sufferers. i would like to write about my experience with Pimpom products where i purchase 500 tablets of porcine thiroyd. i need natural thyroid medication because i think the fillers in levothyroxine could be causing heart palpatations and other heart related problems, this could also be caused by cortisol issues though.. buying the thiroyd product for the first time from pimpom products was a bit of a nightmare, their check out area isnt very good only notifying the company when you purchase, you get no notification reciept email, i had to email pimpom products and that causes stress until they get back to you-their is a time difference as they are in the far east..eventually they did get in touch and they were very good plus polite in reassuring me that they would send the product when their shopping cart company had released them the funds..it isnt so simple because you cant pay them through paypal, they use another paycart, i had to phone my bank here in england because they halted the transaction going through, thinking someone was using my card abroad so you have to speak to the fraud team at your bank so they know its you making the purchase. two weeks after making the purchase the items arrived here in england, no issues with the post..they are a good company but id just like to tell people making the purchase from them is long winded..once funds go through though they post quickly and send you a picture of your item boxed up ready to send!! along with your free gift!!
2017-10-28 Gill
There are other places to buy Thyroid-S and Thiroyd other than Pimpom, please see my post below... I researched lots and found it cheaper and easily accessible.
2017-11-04 Cathy
My Dr prescribed 50 mg if levo but i dont want to take it.What would the equivalent dose be on NDT and which is the purest
2017-11-04 Paul Jones
50 mg of levothyroxine is equivalent to half a grain of most NDTs including Armour, Nature-Throid and WP Thyroid. See https://getrealthyroid.com/conversion-guide.html. What do you mean by purest?
2017-11-24 John Thomas
Hi Paul - Seen all your interesting posts. I am a hashi. Been on levo for 22 years. Was hospitalised when I went on levo originally due to bad reactions. Stayed on 150 mcg for 17 years. Then told to reduce to 125 as TSH 0.08. Been on 125 mcg now for 5 years and TSH been around 0.3 for ages. Never felt great. Tried Armour twice but came off it due to pressure from my wife. Blood tests results weren’t good with Armour. But too be fare I don’t think dose was correct. Your converter is very helpful. Thinking of trying Thyrovanz. Have you tried it. Just want natural dedicated thyroid with T1, T2, T3 and T4 and no adrenals. Really think I should get off levo. Many thanks. John Thomas
2018-03-25 L Heaps
Hi One grain is 74 mcg of thyroxine not 100.
2018-07-25 Maggi
John did you try Thyrovanz?
2017-11-18 Ray Waites
Hi everyone, My daughter is 40, she had her thyroid removed due to cancer in May 2016. Since then she's been taking variable doses of Levothyroxine but has never felt well for any lengthy period of time. Her doctor said her body is rejecting the Levothyroxine medication! What alternative natural product would you think would suit her best? Thanking you all in advance ☺
2017-12-14 Steve
Hi Paul Just come across your site doing research on a product I'm about to sell, namely Desiccated Thyroid Hormone. If this product is of interest please give me a shout, my web address is https://www.ampavit.co.uk , we use paypal checkout for secure payments. And will be adding this product very soon, T3 is another I'm looking into. Great Info by the way. All The Best Steve
2017-12-31 Michelle Davis
Hi, is your website based in the UK? Any chance you could start supplying Naturethroid as well? There’s demand for it in the UK! Thank you.
2017-12-31 Anne Mead
Hi Steve, What make will you be selling i.e. Erfa, Armour etc? Anne
2018-01-06 Steve
Hi Currently we have Thyroid s and Thiroyd, I will look into Naturethroid and hopefully get it soon. And yes I am based in the UK, Delivery is taking 7 days or less at the moment. Thanks All Regards Steve
2018-02-14 Sue
I tried to order but PayPal said NO. What has happened?
2018-02-19 Ali
Hi Steve, your website is not allowing me to place an order. the paypal is not letting me pay for it. thanks
2018-03-02 Steve
Hi sorry, we are having a paypal issue, they dont like what we sell sorry, we are working on it, currently looking at sagepay. but hopefully get the paypal back up and running aswell. Regards Steve
2018-03-02 Steve
Hi sorry, we are having a paypal issue, they dont like what we sell sorry, we are working on it, currently looking at sagepay. but hopefully get the paypal back up and running aswell. Regards Steve
2018-05-22 Debo N.
Steve is great! Super customer service and very personalized. I purchased from him a couple of months ago.
2017-12-21 Karyl quigley
Hi Paul, just want to ask a few questions, first I was diagnosed with under active Thiroyd 10 yrs ago, the only symptom I had was I was very tired, my nails are long and strong, no constipation, no weight gain and skin is good, Iam 70 yrs old.I was put on levothyroxine and felt like crap, have gone on NDT and feel better but how can you have only symptom ,now they say it's Hashimotos. I just can't win, having to pay for my own blood tests because they will only do TSH and T4 at my practice, any advice.
2018-05-22 Debo N.
Hashimotos has many symptoms and you may not have any of them and still have the antibodies. Sometimes they come and go. You can swing from Hypo to Hyper. There is no "normal", everyone is different. It is a shame that your doctor will only test your TSH and T4. I take NDT from Thailand and sometimes my doctor forgets to write the T3s on the order and I don't catch it. I feel and am 500% better after using NDT. I have been on it since 2011 and will never go back to the synthetic stuff. BTW I have Hashimotos, was diagnosed in 2003.
2017-12-30 Sophie
Has anyone tried Metavive? There's bovine and porcine available and I'm wondering which one would be best.
2017-12-31 Michelle Davis
My doctor has given me porcine metavive to try because I was on Naturethroid and due to the supply problems surrounding Naturethroid these past months, she couldn’t fulfill my usual order. I haven’t started them yet but I hear good things about it. Does anyone know where to order Naturethroid from for direct shipping to the UK? I’d still like to get hold of some, as it suited me and I’m reluctant to change my medication. Many thanks!
2018-01-03 wendy
you can buy nature throid from international pharmacy. they are reliable. I use them all the time. My GP also wanted me to switch to the pocine pills but I don't want to change. Life is hard enough!
2017-12-31 jan krongboon
Paul of interest to you and your readers. I am sending from Thailand boxes 1000 tablets 60mg, includes registered airmail to any country: Thiroyd $60/£50 Thyroid TR $80/£60 (no lactose or gluten) Payment by ppal or transfer Barclays Bank in the UK. Post takes 10-14 days. Please do tell your friends, they might be interested. Jan Krongboon massagelondon@gmail.com www.facebook.com/kurs.tajski
2018-03-26 suryabhan singh
https://internationalpharmacy.com/policies/refund u are talking about this websie,cause me also wants to buy from this website
2018-01-24 JJ
Can you post a direct link to ThiroudS etc page please . Any luck on the Naturethroid ?
2018-02-08 Sacha Walker
How much is your thyroid s from UK please Sacha
2018-02-22 Jackie
I ordered and paid for this from you 16 days ago - how come nothing has arrived and you are refusing to answer all communication???
2018-06-11 gina
Hi Steve, The link you posted doesn't work. Can you get Metavive to offer as well?
2018-01-29 Steve B124u.co.uk
Hi Sorry no luck on the Naturethroid as yet Thyroid S link https://www.ampavit.co.uk/5671643/index.php?route=product/product&path=69&product_id=60 all payments safe and secure using https website via paypal Regards Steve
2018-03-02 Steve
Email me from my website and i will reply 100%, and your delivery has arrived and you have signed for it, delivered by Royal Mail and on time.
2018-06-13 Steve
Please note we have moved to www.ampavit.com (originally b124u & ampavit.co.uk) Paypal reported us to Nominet and removed our .co.uk sites.. https://www.ampavit.com/5671643/index.php?route=product/product&path=69&product_id=60 All the best Steve
2018-01-10 Linda
Hi I started 25mcg of Levothyroxine on 22 December 2017 as I am border-line hypo. I had to beg the Endo to start me on medication as I was starting to feel quite poorly. My GP started me on Wockardt but that gave me nauseous & spots. I am now on a different brand. The nausea has gone but my bowels are loose which I can put up with but I am getting a lot of spots on my chin & around my nose. I definitely feel more with it but wonder would there be less side effects if I tried to buy Armour or another natural one?
2018-01-13 Debby
I do NOT recommend ordering Thiroid from PimPom Products. Normally I take Nature Throid with my doctor's prescription, but they've had shortages recently. I ordered from PimPom and within 2 days my credit card was hacked.
2018-02-15 S Evans
Hi My cards came up blocked even though they were not so no joy on my reorder
2018-03-25 L Heaps
Hi You need to notify your bank in advance- there are problems tho with fraud. They change their user name every few weeks and my friend was hacked here. If you can get it the products are great but a nightmare to order.
2018-05-25 Pria
I placed an order for Thyroid and made a payment through WESTER UNION. I haven't got a mail of acknowledgment though I have mailed them couple of times and neither does their no +316483 41030 exist!! Any idea how to go about it? Please help
2018-06-23 Emma
Hi, I also ordered through them earlier this week and haven’t heard anything since. Did you get your order in the end? Emma
2018-07-18 Kay
I don't recommend it either! They are so rude! And now I'm reading the comments about being charged twice and cc hacked. I'm going to look at New Zealand since China has all the horror stories!
2018-08-07 shaolinsoul36
I'm having trouble with pimpomproduct as well. I ordered 1000 Thiroyd and paid through Western Union, waited one month, nothing. Emailed them a few times. Finally there was a reply apologising and saying they will add 250 as compensation. Got a package from them, guess what? It was just the 250, no sign of my initial order of 1000. They already took my money too, there has to be a way to report them as a scam.
2018-08-09 Sandra
i ordered from pimpom 2 years ago and no troubles because I used paypal... went to order a few months ago and they do not take pay pal any longer and said only credit cards and the payments are going through china and a bank out of NY...skeptical now .. I don't know what to do..I got the thiroid 1.000 tablets..
2019-06-19 jj
did you get the pimpomproducts you ordered they are also on ebay
2018-04-13 Steve B124u.co.uk
Paypal is working 100%, and we have UK stock of Thiroyd, Elroxin and Euthyrox !!!!. join us on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/B124uCOUK/ www.b124u.co.uk www.ampavit.co.uk are our websites, please come along and check us out.. Kind regards Steve
2018-06-13 Steve
we are now at www.ampavit.com Kind regards Steve
2018-03-26 suryabhan singh
i need to get NP THYROID, aka just called “ACELLA online in Qatar-doha from where i can buy online pls let me know.
2018-06-27 steve
Hi Guys https://www.ampavit.com/5671643/ Just to let you know we have a quantity of Thiroyd in the UK for fast delivery, also Thyroid s (limited/speradic), aslo Eltroxin and Euthyrox if of interest. Lots of B vitamin injections ready for UK delivery. Large or small quantities available. All the Best Steve https://www.ampavit.com
2018-07-11 Christel
Is this site still updated? Where would you recommend someone in Europe to buy Thyroid-S from now?
2018-07-12 Paul Jones
Hi Christel, I last updated this page a week ago. I reckon the best place to buy Thyroid-S now is Amazon.ca. Delivery might be slow (around a month) but I think it's the most trustworthy source.
2018-10-03 Vivienne
Hello Paul Do you know if Thyroid TR is any good? thank you
2018-10-06 Paul Jones
Never tried it, sorry.
2018-09-02 Abhishek
Hi Please let if you deliver to India Thanks
2018-09-02 Kath
Does anyone have troubles getting orders from the UK or Thailand into Australia?
2018-12-12 kevin
Hi Does anyone know where I can buy natural desiccated thyroid powder in bulk. In South Africa would be great
2019-01-19 Rosalind Healy
Thanks for your information Paul. I struggle all the time to find safe Natural Thyroid, having been taking various forms for 15 years. I’ve just ordered via Amazon Canada and hope it all works ok.
2019-01-19 Steve
Hi Paul Just wanted to update this area, as it say's "where to buy natural desiccated thyroid in the uk" and its a little out dated 2016 and now 2019, hope you dont mind! and I have reciprocated with a link to your blog on my website,,, hope thats ok ? All the best Steve https://www.ampavit.com/
2020-03-22 John
Hi Steve Had a look at your site but saying greater Pharma Thiroyd no longer available, is that permanent? Cheers John
2019-02-08 Catherine
Has anyone gone from T4 only to NDT and then back to T4 only? I did very well on NDT (Thyroid-S) for several years but, lately, it feels like I cannot handle the T3 in it. I have had a racing heart, elevated body temp (37.3C in the morning before rising, 37.9C in the evening), sweating profusely and feeling agitated most of the time. I tried decreasing the dose but even as little as 2 or 1.5 grains daily (I used to take 6 gr/day) seemed too much for me. A week ago, I stopped the NDT and went back to the dose of T4 I used to take before switching to NDT (150 mcg/day). So far so good. I no longer feel my own heartbeat, I have stopped sweating and I definitely feel less agitated. I guess that, given the short half-life of T3, all T3 from the NDT should be out of my system by now...? But can I count on continuing to feel good on T4 only when I spent ten years on it (2001-11) and never felt normal...? I'd be really interested in other people's experiences. I am beginning to wonder if it's true what I've read about NDT containing too much T3 and not enough T4 for humans. Recently, I also read the book "Tired thyroid" where it says that T4 is important to keep us warm, and that the brain prefers T4 to T3...according to the STTM, it's the other way around, but I do feel warm on T4 only (at least so far) without feeling overheated.
2019-02-14 Stephen
Hello Paul; How to I contact you directly? Cheers
2019-03-07 Camo
Reliable source here: www.thyroidthailand.com
2019-07-21 Pete
Anyone actually bought from these guys http://www.thyroidthailand.com
2019-10-01 kay
I used Thyroid-S for many years and liked this product a lot. It was out of production for a bit and so I switched to Thiroyd, which is also a good product and have used it for many years as well. According to one pharmacy site, these products are now out of production. Does anyone have any more information on whether this is true or not? I have also used desiccated products long ago with good success. The trick with them is to use a product from a reputable company and to figure out the dose you need, as the companies can't tell you the potency. They are also considerably more expensive. I am very concerned about the ridiculous pressure from big corporate entities to stop these products from being available and restrict payment systems related to them. It seems to me that the market for these products are small overall and it's amazing that powerful entities are so incredibly greedy that they seek to crush or control this small market. It is legal for me to purchase these products, but you would think they were a dangerous controlled substance. I think that the people that reported problems with the prescription grade thyroid took the wrong dose. It is difficult to adjust your dose and very complex when adrenal weakness is also a factor. A high heart rate (resting rate above 82 beats per minute), restlessness, fatigue, feeling cold or hot, constipation or diarrhea, elevated temperature, and a slight tremor in the hands are all symptoms of excess thyroid. You can get these symptoms on low doses if you have weak adrenal function. The solution to this problem is to stop for a day or two and start again at a lower dose. Then if needed slowly, waiting a few weeks between, increase the dose by very small amounts. Blood tests are helpful in adjusting the dose. The healthy human thyroid produces the equivalent of 260-300 mcg of T4 a day or 2-1/4-3 grains natural thyroid a day. If you exceed these doses, you may have problems. Though, there are some people with antibodies to thyroid who might need much more than this. Some tissues in the body cannot convert T4 to T3 (the energy producing hormone) and the other thyroid hormones, T2 and T1 are also needed in the body. T4 is relatively inert as far as energy production is concerned and must be converted to the other hormones. T2 is known as the fat burning hormone and T1 is used by the brain and improves mood. From an evolutionary point, the body would not produce these hormones if they were not needed. Anyone that says all you need is T4 is misinformed or ignorant.
2019-11-23 Karen
Anyone in the US needing Thyroid-S currently, it's on eBay.
2019-12-17 Stephen Farkash
Visited thyroidthailand.com only to find all NDT's are sold out. I inquired via chat and was informed there is no current source due to the African Swine outbreak and they didn't know when or if it will be available again. This is unbelievable. People are being denied a potential superior medication by pharma. Guess we're pretty much screwed.
2019-12-21 Chris Ziomkowski
Hi Paul, Just catching up on your blog. Hadn't checked it in a while. Thought your readers might like to know what is happening with natural desiccated thyroid. The African Swine Fever epidemic that started in China has decimated pork products and caused a global shortage of USP desiccated thyroid powder. The price of NDT powder, if you can buy it all, has skyrocketed, and manufacturers, such as Sriprasit Pharma in Thailand (maker of Thyroid-S), have raised their prices by over a factor of 5 since the epidemic began. As governments are quick to quarantine in a situation like this but very slow to allow imports again, I do not imagine relief in NDT prices at least through the end of 2020. In order to offer a reasonably priced and stable product to people during this period, Pimpom Products has created its own, natural desiccated thyroid product entirely from local pig sources in Thailand. Called TruThyroid, this is being labeled as a food supplement, but is being tested with the same protocols used by pharmaceutical manufacturers in terms of hormone equivalency. The product is designed as an uncoated tablet very similar to Thiroyd by Greater Pharma (which has now been discontinued due the NDT shortage.) I hope some of your readers may find this information helpful, and I would be happy to answer any questions you may have about how to source natural desiccated thyroid in the present environment, and why credit cards have become so difficult to use for these purchases.
2021-01-01 Nikki
Hi Chris, do you have an update on the NDT situation now please?
2020-02-07 Ms StaceyAnn Hill
Hi to all!~ Please help, busy homeschooling single mother whom has been on T4 Eutroxsig Levothyroxine sodium 150 micrograms for almost three years. I am unwell, my bloods indicated high T4 and low T3 and no one will help, I have seen three doctors and am currently seeing no one although have tried to contact Mr Kristian Cambell the Endo that signed me up for the total Tyroid to be removed. Orignially I asked for natural Tyroid replacement and was told I could not get it any where. I than search and gave copies to my doctors and they are all treating me as if I am crazy,, writting arbitary inforamtion about me which is not true. I have had no choice but to take the medication that I am given as the information I was given by the Endo scare me such as going in to a coma. Help Please. I am at a loss right now and need to buy something that will give me my life back. I asked for a combined T4 and T3 treatment and no one will help. I would like to know what natural T4 and T3 product would be best for me and am interested in going public about my story as I have digital records of the professionals doing one thing and saying another and not helping. Hope this doesnt wrong. I am happy enough just with out the suppport I was told I would be given.
2020-02-13 Lili ll Gupta
Hi Paul, any updated reviews on the new drug Thyrovanz? It is less expensive than Thyro-Gold. My doctor refuses to prescribe adequate Armour dosage for me. Would it be better just to switch to the non prescription NTD, say Thyro-Gold, rather than taking Armour (prescribed)+ Thyro-Gold ( self bought) to keep my hypo under control? Thanks Paul!
2020-02-20 Emma Meredith
Can anyone help me source NDT please? I am using Thiroyd but am now low and can't find anywhere to buy it or an equivalent. I really don't want to go back on to levo :(
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